
Try not to play with this holy e-confession equipment, because God will punish you.


Prompted by Vatican's idea to use Internet for spreading God's word, we have decided to provide confession service through Internet to sinners, who are visiting our website. We hope that we will be able to save a few souls from Satan's snares. Anonymity is guaranteed. Connection with priest encoded by the algorithm of Holy Spirit. We will help you to perform this sacred duty of every person and you will be able to redeem your sins and repent of the evils committed without leaving comfort of your home. Your confession will be sent directly to our computerized confessional. The program will calculate your sins, evaluate their heaviness and will assign punishment. All electronic devices have been sanctified and the program is developed in strict accordance with all religious canons and rules. Since everything will be calculate by machinery and artificial intelligence, we can guarantee the most objective and unbiased evaluation.

1. Specify how many times you sinned of particular sin.
2. Choose whether you are a priest, Christian or unbeliever.
3. Press the button at the bottom and you will receive punishments.

God ensures greater grace and forgiveness for priests, because their life is hard and committed. As a result, intercourse with children, even sexually, for priests is not a big deal or significant sin. It is more like holy sex education for children. But for godless people similar sin burden is high. God will not forgive them for the slightest dirt. For infidelities and for not kissing hands of priests God will tear out eyes, will rip off legs and hands, will burn in eternal fire of Hell, you infidel muck! So accept the Lord and He will teach you, scum, some heavenly love and true spiritual values​​, not your atheistic descent and moral degradation, in which you are without God, our Father.

If you have divine feeling that our system is missing some sins or punishments, you can leave your suggestions in our Forums or Comments section.

Iz 22:13 Bet žiūrėkite! Linksmybė ir džiaugsmas! Skerdžiate jaučius ir pjaunate avis, valgote mėsą ir geriate vyną: "Valgykime ir gerkime, nes rytoj mirsime! "
Isa 22:13 And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die.
2Kar 23:22 Iš tikrųjų Paschos auka tokiu būdu nebuvo švęsta nuo teisėjų, valdžiusių Izraelį, dienų ir per visas Izraelio karalių bei Judo karalių dienas.
2Ki 23:22 Surely there was not holden such a passover from the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, nor of the kings of Judah;
Rom 3:19 O mes žinome, jog tai, ką sako įstatymas, jis sako tiems, kurie pavaldūs įstatymui, kad visos burnos užsičiauptų ir visas pasaulis pasirodytų kaltas prieš Dievą,
Ro 3:19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
Jn 5:32 Bet apie mane liudija kitas, ir aš žinaujo liudijimą apie mane esant tikrą.
Jo 5:32 There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true.
1Krn 23:19 Hebrono sūnūs: Jerijas ­ galva, antras ­ Amarija, trečias ­ Jahazielis ir ketvirtas ­ Jekamamas.
1Ch 23:19 Of the sons of Hebron; Jeriah the first, Amariah the second, Jahaziel the third, and Jekameam the fourth.
2Krn 1:2 Saliamonas sušaukė visą Izraelį ­ tūkstantininkus ir šimtininkus, teisėjus ir visus viso Izraelio vadus bei kilčių galvas.
2Ch 1:2 Then Solomon spake unto all Israel, to the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and to the judges, and to every governor in all Israel, the chief of the fathers.
Ez 17:9 Sakyk: ‘Taip kalba Viešpats DIEVAS. Ar jam seksis? Argi anas erelis neišraus jo šaknų, nenuskins jo vaisių, nenudžiovins jo drauge su visais lapais, kuriuos buvo išskleidęs? Juk nereikės stipraus petiesnei galingos kariuomenės, kad jį išrautų iš šaknų.
Eze 17:9 Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof.
Ps 38:4 Virš galvos esu apsemtas nuodėmių, jos slegia mane lyg sunkiausia našta.
Ps 38:4 For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.
Mt 25:7 Tuomet visos mergaitės atsikėlė ir taisėsi žibintus.
Mat 25:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
Iš 34:28 Jis išbuvo ten su Viešpačiu keturiasdešimt dienų ir keturiasdešimt naktų, nevalgydamas nė duonos, negerdamas nė vandens. Jis užrašė ant plokščių Sandoros žodžius ­ Dešimt Įsakymų.
Ex 34:28 And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
Ef 4:24 apsivilkti nauju žmogumi, sutvertu pagal Dievą teisume ir tiesos šventume.
Ep 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Lk 11:52 Vargas jums, Įstatymo mokytojai! Jūs pasisavinote pažinimo raktą, bet patys nėjote ir norintiems įeiti kliudėte. "
Lu 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
Mt 26:28 nes tai yra mano kraujas, Sandoros kraujas, kuris už daugelį išliejamas nuodėmėms atleisti.
Mat 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Iz 17:7 Tą dieną žmonės kreips žvilgsnį į savo Kūrėją, jų akys kryps į Izraelio Šventąjį.
Isa 17:7 At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
Joz 22:18 o jūs norite atsimesti nuo Viešpaties! Jūs maištaujate prieš Viešpatį šiandien, o rytoj jis supyks ant visos Izraelio bendrijos.
Jos 22:18 But that ye must turn away this day from following the LORD? and it will be, seeing ye rebel to day against the LORD, that to morrow he will be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel.
Mt 13:43 Tuomet teisieji spindės kaip saulė savo Tėvo karalystėje. Kas turi ausis, teklauso!
Mat 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Iz 10:24 Todėl Viešpats, Galybių DIEVAS, ir sako: "O mano tauta, kuri gyveni Sione! Nebijok asiro, nors muša jis tave spragilu, kelia prieš tave lazdą, kaip kadaise darė Egiptas,
Isa 10:24 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt.
1Kor 16:14 Viską darykite su meile.
1C 16:14 Let all your things be done with charity.
Apr 5:2 Ir pamačiau galingą angelą, skelbiantį skardžiu balsu: "Kas bus vertas atverti knygą ir nuplėšti nuo jos antspaudus? ! "
Re 5:2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
Kol 4:7 Apie mano reikalus jums viską praneš Tichikas, mylimas brolis, ištikimas padėjėjas ir bendradarbis Viešpatyje.
Co 4:7 All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord:

Sanctus Corpus Deus