For Religion it is more common to worship afterlife and destruction of life on Earth, than to support new ways of its appearance, like artificial insemination. For those, who can't have children, of course, only love for God remains. Priests are well aware about that and encourage infertile people to turn to the Lord (apparently, He inseminated a lot of couples). People, who talk about love, can gain power sooner and, after they have it, they can kill and justify their actions with excuses, that they are doing this out of love for you, Lord, and His work.
Adolf Hitler and the Order of the Jesuits
If you will see misrepresentation of facts or mistranslation, please write to EN RU LT

Sometimes believers lie, that Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) was an atheist and killing Jews has nothing to do with religion. The truth is that Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic. Hitler with his speeches and actions let to understand not once, that he believes in God, pursues God’s plan and even is protected by God. Last thought obsessed Hitler after unsuccessful attempts to kill him.
Quotes form Adolf Hitler’s personal book "My Struggle" ("Mein Kampf").
Volume One: A Reckoning
Erster Band: Eine Abrechnung
2. Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
2. Kapitel - Wiener Lehr und Leidensjahre: "So glaube ich heute im Sinne des allmächtigen Schöpfers zu handeln: Indem ich mich des Juden erwehre, kämpfe ich für das Werk des Herrn."
6. War Propaganda: "Certainly we don't have to discuss these matters with the Jews, the most modern inventors of this cultural perfume. Their whole existence is an embodied protest against the aesthetics of the Lord's image."
6. Kapitel - Kriegspropaganda: "Mit den Juden, als den modernen Erfindern dieses Kulturparfüms, braucht man sich aber darüber wahrhaftig nicht zu unterhalten. Ihr ganzes Dasein ist der fleisch-gewordene Protest gegen die Ästhetik des Ebenbildes des Herrn."
8. The Beginning of My Political Activity: "What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfilment of the mission allotted it by the Creator of the universe."
8. Kapitel - Beginn meiner politischen Tätigkeit: "Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermeh-rung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhal-tung des Blutes, die Freiheit und Unab-hängigkeit des Vaterlandes, auf daß unser Volk zur Erfüllung der auch ihm vom Schöpfer des Universums zugewiesenen Mission heranzureifen vermag."
Volume Two: The National Socialist Movement
Zweiter Band: Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung
1. Philosophy and Party: "Whoever would dare to raise a profane hand against that highest image of God among His creatures would sin against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and would collaborate in the expulsion from Paradise."
1. Kapitel - Weltanschauung und Partei: "Wer die Hand an das höchste Ebenbild des es Herrn zu legen wagt, frevelt am gütigen Schöpfer dieses Wunders und hilft mit an der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies."
10. Federalism as a Mask: "As far as regards that kind of "patriotic" warrior, on behalf of the National Socialist Movement and therefore of the German people I pray with all my heart: "Lord, preserve us from such friends, and then we can easily deal with our enemies.""
10. Kapitel - Der Föderalismus als Maske: "Ich kann, was diese Art von "völkischen" Kämp-fern betrifft, der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung und da-mit auch dem deutschen Volke aus aufrichtigstem Herzen nur wünschen: "Herr, bewahre sie vor solchen Freunden, auch sie wird mit ihren Feinden dann schon fertig werden.""
13. German Alliance Policy after the War: "Almighty God, bless our arms when the hour comes. Be just, as Thou hast always been just. Judge now if we deserve our freedom. Lord, bless our struggle."
13. Kapitel - Deutsche Bündnispolitik nach dem Kriege: "Allmäch-tiger Gott, segne dereinst unsere Waffen; sei so gerecht, wie du es immer warst; ur-teile jetzt, ob wir die Freiheit nun verdie-nen; Herr, segne unseren Kampf!"
14. Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy: "And this action is the only one which, before God and our German posterity, would make any sacrifice of blood seems justified."
14. Kapitel - Ostorientierung oder Ostpolitik: "Und diese Aktion ist die einzige, die vor Gott und unserer deutschen Nachwelt einen Bluteinsatz gerecht-fertigt erscheinen läßt."
Adolf Hitler didn't support Evolution and was against mixing animals and races.
„Even a superficial glance is sufficient to show that all the innumerable forms in which the life-urge of Nature manifests itself are subject to a fundamental law - one may call it an iron law of Nature - which compels the various species to keep within the definite limits of their own life-forms when propagating and multiplying their kind.“ (...) „This urge for the maintenance of the unmixed breed, which is a phenomenon that prevails throughout the whole of the natural world, results not only in the sharply defined outward distinction between one species and another but also in the internal similarity of characteristic qualities which are peculiar to each breed or species. The fox remains always a fox, the goose remains a goose, and the tiger will retain the character of a tiger. The only difference that can exist within the species must be in the various degrees of structural strength and active power, in the intelligence, efficiency, endurance, etc., with which the individual specimens are endowed.“ (...) „In short, the results of miscegenation are always the following:
(a) The level of the superior race becomes lowered;
(b) physical and mental degeneration sets in, thus leading slowly but steadily towards a progressive drying up of the vital sap.
The act which brings about such a development is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator. And as a sin this act will be avenged. Man's effort to build up something that contradicts the iron logic of Nature brings him into conflict with those principles to which he himself exclusively owes his own existence. By acting against the laws of Nature he prepares the way that leads to his ruin.“
Adolf Hitler "Mein Kampf", Volume 1, Chapter 11 : Race and People
„Schon die oberflächliche Betrachtung zeigt als nahezu ehernes Grundgesetz all der unzähligen Ausdrucksformen des Lebenswillens der Natur ihre in sich begrenzte Form der Fortpflanzung und Vermehrung. Jedes Tier paart sich nur mit einem Genossen der gleichen Art.“ (...) „Die Folge dieses in der Natur allgemein gültigen Trie- bes zur Rassenreinheit ist nicht nur die scharfe Abgrenzung der einzelnen Rassen nach außen, sondern auch ihre gleich-mäßige Wesensart in sich selber. Der Fuchs ist immer ein Fuchs, die Gans eine Gans, der Tiger ein Tiger usw., und der Unterschied kann höchstens im verschiedenen Maße der Kraft, der Stärke, der Klugheit, Gewandtheit, Ausdauer usw. der einzelnen Exemplare liegen.“ (...) „Das Ergebnis jeder Rassenkreuzung ist also, ganz kurz gesagt, immer folgendes:
a) Niedersenkung des Niveaus der höheren Rasse,
b) körperlicher und geistiger Rückgang und damit der Beginn eines, wenn auch langsam, so doch sicher fort-schreitenden Siechtums.
Eine solche Entwicklung herbeiführen, heißt aber denn doch nichts anderes, als Sünde treiben wider den Willen des ewigen Schöpfers. Als Sünde aber wird diese Tat auch gelohnt. Indem der Mensch versucht, sich gegen die eiserne Logik der Natur aufzubäumen, gerät er in Kampf mit den Grundsätzen, denen auch er selber sein Dasein als Mensch allein verdankt. So muß sein Handeln gegen die Natur zu seinem eigenen Untergang führen.“
Adolf Hitler "Mein Kampf", Band 1, Kapitel 11 : Volk und Rasse

Adolf Hitler was creationist and saw atheism as a danger.
"Educated man always stands in Reverence facing Creation; he can’t unriddle its sensible Greatness; but Uneducated man is in Danger to proceed to Atheism, which means he will be Brutish."
Adolf Hitler said in 1941-10-14; Monologues from the Führer's Headquarter; page 41; published by Orbis Verlag in 2000
"Der gebildete Mensch steht immer in Ehrfurcht vor der Schöpfung, die er nicht enträtseln kann, deren Größe er aber empfindet; der Ungebildete hingegen ist in Gefahr, zum Atheismus, das ist zum Vertiert sein, überzuspringen."
Adolf Hitler sagte am 14. Oktober 1941; Monologe aus dem Führerhauptquartier; seite 41; Orbis Verlag, 2000
"We don't want to educate anyone in atheism." - Adolf Hitler; Table-Talk, page 6
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith... We need believing people" - Adolf Hitler (The German Churches Under Hitler, p.241)

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." - 1941, Said by Hitler to General Gerhart Engel in 1941; from John Toland [Pulitzer Prize winner], Adolf Hitler, New York: Anchor Publishing, 1992
Hitler transferred religion to politics.
"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits… until now there has never been anything more grandiose on the earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party." - Hermann Rauschning, Hitler Said To Me (1939), p.266-267

Hitler saw Jesus as fighter against Jews and blamed Jews for His death.
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."
Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)
Hitler saw himself as a reformer of Christianity, not as fighter against it.
Hitler never renounced Christ and his Christianity. He fought against Christians, who, as he thought, corrupted Christianity. Hitler saw himself as Jesus and Martin Luther:
"Luther had the merit of rising against the Pope and the organisation of the Church. It was the first of the great revolutions. And thanks to his translation of the Bible, Luther replaced our dialects by the great German language!" - Hitler / Table-Talk p.9
"The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galiean's object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him." - Hitler / Table-Talk, p.76
"Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolshevism." - Hitler / Table-Talk, p. 143

Just because Hitler tried to create his own version of Christianity and prove, that Jesus was not a Jew, and therefore argued with other Christians - that does not make him unbeliever or anti-Christian. Christians always struggle between each other for "true" Christianity even till blood and accuse each other that their opponents are not "true" Christians. Hitler didn’t reject Christianity. He just criticized it’s organized version and therefore later (1936-1938) switched to more militant branch - "The Order of Jesuits", because he thought that other denominations are corrupted and too weak to defend Christian ideals and beliefs.
If Protestant fights against Catholic version of Christianity, that doesn’t mean that Protestant is not a Christian and doesn’t belong to Christianity. Some people are believers with their personalized-modified understanding of religion or God and fight against other organized religions. Sometimes they fight even against their own organized religion. For example, they can think that it is corrupted and perverted, greedy or there is no need in organized religion - God must be private thing, etc..
There is no standard of Christianity. Each group declare themselves as "standard". Every group and every person is slightly different and has his own modifications of God and how to worship Him. Differences-modifications appear from different/subjective experience and knowledge in life. These modifications come from a wish to satisfy personal needs with less expense and more easily to pass to Heaven. So if "true" Christianity Mormon or Pope is ONE thing, for Hitler, Mother Teresa, Orthodox or some guy in India it will be OTHER thing. Christians will always fight for "true" Christianity between each other, as personal needs between people often come in conflict and nobody wants to see himself as fallible or loser. But this doesn't make all them non-Christians. Everybody wants to take more than to give. Hitler modified Christianity to make it more profitable for himself (as ALL Christians do without exception – just not all want to admit this for themselves) and honestly believed, that these modifications leads to "true" Christianity. He believed that old type organized Christianity is corrupted. People, who made profit form Hitler’s modifications, honestly admitted that these changes led TO more "true" Christianity. People who lost from Hitler's changes, started to claim that they led away FROM "true" Christianity. Today‘s Christians are not the ones, who made profit from Hitler’s ideas and changes - these changes put them in to uncomfortable position now, Hitler brought shame on Christianity as a Christian. So, of course, today’s Christians opposing Hitler’s changes on Christianity and identify them as factors which distanced Christianity from "true". Therefore they are opposing Hitler’s own identification as "true" Christian, because he does not match today’s Christians subjective conception of what"true" Christian is. Christian tactic is to create imaginable etalon of ideal Christian... and then they can call any person as "not true" Christian, who put "brothers in faith" in uncomfortable position, in such way washing off hands and avoiding responsibility for members of organisation.
Hitler believed in Christian God, in Christ, he went to Christian church and prayed. Hitler has all main Christianity bases. He was the same candy of sh*, just in different wrapping. What about killing? There is another True Christian besides Hitler – God, who lied, cheated, killed, robbed and was a paedophile. So everyone, who commits all these sins, can be Christians too ...unless God is an "Atheist".

Hitler’s "atheistic" army wore their "atheism" propagating sign on their military uniforms, like buckles "God With Us" ("Gott mit uns"). Some ideas, how to persecute and exterminate Jews, Hitler copied from previous Popes. For example, to wear special signs and ghettoise Jews was not Hitler's, but "brilliant" idea of Pope, made-up and described in 1555 year document "Cum nimis absurdum". It is not big secret that present Pope Joseph Alois Ratzinger was member of "Hitler’s-Youth" ("Hitler-Jugend"). Fascism with Mussolini born and was developed in Italy. People, who know geography well, can tell easily where Vatican is.
Some English quotes against Christianity by Adolf Hitler can be fabricated.
There are two original-extant versions of "Hitler’s Table Talk" (whatever Hitler said in his bunker in Berlin). One is by two Hitler’s secretaries Heinrich Heim and Henry Picker, and other is by Hitler's right-hand-man Martin Bormann. Published:
1951 and 1976 German versions "Hitler's Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier" ("Hitler's Table Talk in the Central Headquarters") by Henry Picker and Heinrich Heim.
1952 French version "Libres Propos sur la Guerre et la Paix: Recueillis sur l'Ordre de Martin Bormann" ("Candid Remarks on the War and the Peace: Collected by Order of Martin Bormann") by François Genoud. It is half of the "Bormann Vermerke" ("Bormann Notes").
1953, 1973 and 2000 English versions "Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944 and Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944", edited by Hugh Trevor-Roper and translated by R. H. Stevens and Norman Cameron "officially" from "Bormann Vermerke" ("Bormann Notes"), but factually part from 1952 French version "Libres Propos sur la Guerre et la Paix: Recueillis sur l'Ordre de Martin Bormann" ("Candid Remarks on the War and the Peace: Collected by Order of Martin Bormann") by François Genoud.
1980 German version "Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941-1944: die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims herausgegeben von Werner Jochmann" ("Monologue in the Central Headquarters: the Notes of Heinrich Heim edited by Werner Jochmann") by historian Werner Jochmann. It contained and "Bormann Vermerke" ("Bormann Notes").
1951 German edition by Henry Picker carries the strongest claim to authenticity. It has the actual German, was the first to be published, and has the support of eyewitness testimony. It also had scholarly backing on title page: "Arranged on behalf of the German Institute for the History of National Socialism, initiated and published by Gerhard Ritter, professor of history at the University of Freiburg". Another historian, Walter Mediger, even checked Picker's first edition (1951) against these original notes, made corrections in the second edition (1976), and testified to its accuracy.
Next in authority is the scholarly work of Werner Jochmann (1980), who publishes the German of the Bormann manuscript employed by François Genoud and Hugh Trevor-Roper's translators. Though it passed through many hands, including Bormann's, it agrees with Picker's text to such a detailed extent that we can be assured the two texts have a common ancestor, which must be the actual bunker notes themselves.
Christians like to present some "anti-religious" Hitler’s quotes from English versions (1953, 1973, 2000), which are translations from French version (1952).
And in original 1951, 1976 and 1980 German versions by Henry Picker and Werner Jochmann there are NO, for example, such Hitler’s remarks as "I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie" or "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity" - such quotes appears just in English versions (1953, 1973 and 2000) by Hugh Trevor-Roper which are translations from French version (1952) by François Genoud.
German version: "I have never found pleasure in maltreating others, even if I know it isn't possible to maintain oneself in the world without force. Life is granted only to those who fight the hardest. It is the law of life: Defend yourself! The time in which we live has the appearance of the collapse of this idea. It can still take 100 or 200 years. I am sorry that, like Moses, I can only see the Promised Land from a distance."
French to English translation: "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity."
German version: "To do something false against one's own knowledge, that is out of the question! One should never personally fall in line with such a lie."
French to English translation: "I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie."
German version: "Christianity teaches 'transubstantiation', which is the maddest thing ever concocted by a human mind in its delusions, a mockery of all that is godly."
French to English translation: "But Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery."
“Hitler's Last Testament” by François Genoud versus David Irving.
Documents by François Genoud “Le Testament Politique de Hitler”, published in French (1959), and “The Testament of Adolf Hitler: the Hitler-Bormann documents”, published in English (1961), with an introduction by Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper can be fake also.
More information about Hugh Trevor-Roper with François Genoud and how they falsified Hitler’s testament and words is here:
Hitler's Last Testament or Hitlers Politisches Testament by François Genoud should not to be confused with real last will and testament of Adolf Hitler, dictated by Hitler to his secretary Traudl Junge and signed by Goebbels, Burgdorf, Bormann, and Krebbs. These are two different documents.
P.S. David Irving ( is infamous as a “holocaust denier”, though in truth he DOES NOT deny holocaust or that Germans massacred people. He says, that he is not so stupid, to deny holocaust as media portrays him (2:15-2:55). He suggests, that up to 3 million Jews, but not 6 million, were killed by Nazis. He argues about killing details and Hitler’s level of knowledge about it. David Irving admits also, that Hitler is fully responsible for killings as head of state, even if he didn’t know everything, what happened around him. Irving has an idea, that human life’s value is not based on race, therefore he would like to change the term of main crime “holocaust” and “genocide” (killing of people of a race) to “innocenticide” (killing of innocent people), to make Jews no longer exclusive victims of World War 2. Is it bad or good - everyone can decide for himself.
He could be considered as crazy person for doubting 6 million, if not the fact, that Auschwitz State Museum itself lowered number from 4 million Jews, killed in the camp, to 1.1 million, after historical investigation in the past years. At the Nuremberg Trials it was claimed that up to 3 million people died in Auschwitz concentration camp.
Auschwitz State Museum’s Memorial Plaque (1948-1990) claimed 4 million deaths.

Auschwitz State Museum’s Memorial Plaque from 1995 claimed 1.5 million deaths.

Auschwitz State Museum’s web site today (2012-02-05) claims 1.1 million deaths.

4 million or 1.1 million… it is still very big crime against humanity. It is understandable, that numbers may be not important for accusers, but criminals should be punished only for what they did, without involving fantasies. If someone killed 1 person - it is terrible crime, but it is still not acceptable to claim, that he killed 4 people, no matter, how much we hate the criminal. Is administration of Auschwitz State Museum “holocaust deniers”? NO. After detailed investigation, they only specified more accurate number, which fits historical facts and documents more precisely, than previous claims. War brought horrible things and millions were killed by Nazis and Allies, but number inflation is the same historical crime as minimization. History must be presented precisely as much as possible, without lying from BOTH sides.
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Joseph Stalin and the Orthodox Christian Church of Russia
If you will see misrepresentation of facts or mistranslation, please write to EN RU LT

It is usual thing for religious people and societies, to name Josef Stalin as an “atheist”, like they did this many times with Adolf Hitler. Of course, there is no doubt, that majority of Soviet leaders, including Vladimir Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev or Mikhail Gorbachev, were atheists and few of them even militant. However, the bloodiest communist regime dictator Josef Stalin (1878 – 1953) was not an ATHEIST, but RELIGIOUS COMMUNIST. There was period in his life (during and after humiliating and cruel regime in Tbilisi Priest‘s Seminary and revolution time, when Stalin fought against monarchical dictatorship, supported by church), when he hold grudge against priests and religion, struggled and leaned more towards atheism. But eventually he returned to his religious roots and chose to resurrect and protect religion in USSR. Stalin used blind faith-based religious principles to strengthen his own dictatorship. Stalin born in 1878. He received more power and started his mass murder journey through corpses in 1922 and died in 1953.

~6 years in Church‘s School and ~5 years in Priest‘s Seminary.
Stalin grew in religious family and it was planned that he will become a priest. Therefore Stalin received religious education in Gori Church‘s School (1888-09-01 – 1894-06-??) and Tbilisi Priest‘s Seminary (1894-09-01 – 1899-07-29) which he didn’t accomplished, because he entered Revolution movement. Ideas about rich people as oppressors of the poor, how to defend poor people from them and that rich people will go to Hell or, at least, it will be hard for them to go to (communistic) heaven, Stalin collected from his religious education and the Bible.
Bible:NT:Matthew:19:23-24 And Jesus said to his disciples, "Truly, I say to you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Bible:NT:James:2:5-6 "Listen, my beloved brethren. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonoured the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you, is it not they who drag you into court?"
Bible:NT:James:5:1 "Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you."
Bible explains that, if you want to be real believer, you must resign your possessions and give them to the poor.
Bible:NT:Luke:12:33 "Sell your possessions, and give alms; provide yourselves with purses that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys."
Bible:NT:Mark:10:21-22 And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.

Latin commun = English collective, shared. Sometimes people think that communism (collective, shared property, no private property) was atheistic idea and that “communist = atheist”. But communism was promoted in Bible as model of ideal society for believers. Christ followers in Bible lived as true communists by having common property as “ideal society” dreamed by USSR communists.
Bible:NT:Acts:2:44-45 And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need.
Bible:NT:Acts:4:32-35 Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need.
Those, who hide and don't share their all possessions, must die ("Stalinism").
Bible:NT:Acts:4:36-37 Thus Joseph who was surnamed by the apostles Barnabas (which means, Son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field which belonged to him, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
Bible:NT:Acts:5:1-10 (Ananias and Sapphira) But a man named Anani′as with his wife Sapphi′ra sold a piece of property, and with his wife’s knowledge he kept back some of the proceeds, and brought only a part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, “Anani′as, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? How is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.” When Anani′as heard these words, he fell down and died. And great fear came upon all who heard of it. After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. And Peter said to her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much.” And she said, “Yes, for so much.” But Peter said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Hark, the feet of those that have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.” Immediately she fell down at his feet and died.
Believers forget also, how property was and still is managed in Church and monasteries, where is no private property. Monks, nuns and many Christian priests live by sharing property, avoiding private possessions and being rich, as pure communists. And they promote such way of life – pure communism in all its glory. Are they atheists? Church and monasteries adopted and realized "atheistic" ideas of common-shared property thousands of years before revolution in Russia (1917) even started.
Believers throw accusations easily. They name believers as “atheists” without any shame, if these persons did bad things or were communists – of course, doing bad is not “compatible” with Christianity :).
Stalin wrote poems in Georgian language. Poems were published by local magazines. Translation from Georgian to Russian language by L.Kotiukov (Л. Котюков):
"Poet Josef Dzhugashvili"
1999-03-09 Newspaper "Duel"
Bowl full of poison
He walked from house to house,
knocking on doors of strangers.
Accompanied by old oak panduri
a simple tune sounded.
In his burden and song,
like pure beam of the Sun,
lived great truth –
Divine dream.
Hearts, turned into stone,
were waked by lonely tune.
Sleeping in the dark flame
flew above the trees.
But people, who forgot God,
with darkness in their hearts,
instead of wine poison
poured in the cup for him.
They told him: “Damn you!
Drink this cup to the bottom!...
And your song is alien for us,
and we don’t need your truth!”
Iveria, 1895, № 218, p. 6
(Georgian language).
"Поет Иосиф Джугашвили"
1999-03-09 Газета "Дуель"
Шел он от дома к дому,
В двери чужие стучал.
Под старый дубовый пандури
Нехитрый мотив звучал.
В напеве его и в песне,
Как солнечный луч чиста,
Жила великая правда –
Божественная мечта.
Сердца, превращенные в камень,
Будил одинокий напев.
Дремавший в потемках пламень
Взметался выше дерев.
Но люди, забывшие Бога,
Хранящие в сердце тьму,
Вместо вина отраву
Налили в чашу ему.
Сказали ему: "Будь проклят!
Чашу испей до дна!..
И песня твоя чужда нам,
И правда твоя не нужна!"
Иверия, 1895, № 218, с. 6
(на грузинцком языке)
Confirmation is needed
that Georgian-Russian
translation is accurate.
შხამით აღსავსე ფიალა
ამ ქვეყნად იგი, ვით ლანდი,
კარის-კარ დაწრიალებდა;
ხელთ ეპყრა მუხის ფანდური,
ხმა ტკბილად აწკრიალებდა;
მის საოცნებო ჰანგებში;
ვითარცა სხივი მზიური,
ისმოდა თვითონ სიმართლე
და სიყვარული ციური,
ბევრს აუძგერა იმა ხმამ
გული, ქვად გადაქცეული;
ბევრს გაუნათლა გონება,
ბნელ-უკუნეთად ქცეული.
მაგრამ, დიდების მაგიერ,
სად ჩანგმა გაიწკრიალა,
განდევნილს ბრბომ იქ დაუდგა
შხამით აღვსილი ფიალა. . .
და უთხრეს: “შესვი, წყეულო,
ეგ არის შენი ხვედრიო!
შენი არ გვინდა სიმართლე,
არც ეგ ციური ხმებიო!“
Igor Kurljandsky: “Pay attention to quatrain “Kohl Kavsadze”, composed by young Stalin in Gori, in which church protection motive, unique for Joseph, sounded.” |
Игорь Курляндский: "Обратим внимание на сочиненное в Гори четверостишие юного Сталина «Коле Кавсадзе», в котором прозвучал уникальный для Иосифа мотив церковного заступничества." |
With help of classmate Michael Tshakaya (Михаил Григорьевич Цхакая) from Priest Seminary as godfather in wedding, Stalin and his first wife Ekaterina Svanidze (Екатерина Семёновна Сванидзе) married secretly in Tifli's church of St. David in 1904.
The documentary “Stalin. Part Two. Life in the revolution”, directed by Elena Tikhonova, 2003. (Документальный фильм «Сталин. Часть вторая. Личная жизнь в революции», режиссер Елена Тихонова, 2003.)

Stalin told to his daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva-Stalin that Christ existed.
“Mysteries of the Century: Kremlin Kids”
2003-03-19, Channel One Russia
«Тайны века: Дети Кремля»
2003-03-19, Первый канал, Россия
Journalist: It is interesting, that from all residents of Kremlin, maybe, just Stalin believed in God... |
Ведущий: Интересно, что из обитателей Кремля, наверное, только Сталин верил в Бога... |
S.Alliluyeva: In father’s library, between other books, were few tomes of “Christ”. It was history of Christ, written by vox populist Morozov. I said to my father: “But Christ didn’t exist!” and he answered: “Oh no, Christ, certainly, existed.” |
С.Аллилуева: У отца среди книг в библиотеке стояли несколько томов «Христос»;. Это история Христа, написанная народовольцем Морозовым. Я сказала отцу: «Но ведь Христос не существовал!». А он ответил «Да нет, Христос, конечно, существовал». |
In other-bigger Interview to Russian magazine “Version” («Версия») and second Russian TV channel RTR (РТР) (1998) Svetlana spoke more about her father’s belief in God. She said, that Stalin told history of Christ her later. And she thinks that he was believer. Stalin‘s wife Nadezhda (Надежда Сергеевна Аллилуева), maybe, was an atheist, because she denied for nannies to talk about God with kids. But it was not big problem – (maybe, with God‘s help :) Nadezhda shoot herself in 1932. It is symbolic, that her name Надежда means “Hope”. Stalin’s daughter said that after mother’s death Stalin lost everything human in him.
Stalin prohibits liquidation of churches and persecution of believers.

1997. АРХИВЫ КРЕМЛЯ. В 2-Х КН. / КН. 1. ПОЛИТБЮРО И ЦЕРКОВЬ.1922-1925 ГГ. ISBN 5-86004-113-6
1998. АРХИВЫ КРЕМЛЯ. В 2-Х КН. / КН. 2. ПОЛИТБЮРО И ЦЕРКОВЬ.1922-1925 ГГ. ISBN 5-8243-0001-1
1922-1925 |
1922-1925 гг. |
File №12. “Antireligious work” |
Дело №12. "Антирелигиозная работа" |
№12-56: |
№ 12-56: |
The circular letter of CC RKP(b) №30 “about attitude to religious organizations” 1923 August 16th |
Циркулярное письмо ЦК РКП(б) № 30 "об отношении к религиозным организациям" 16 августа 1923 г. |
Strictly – Confidential |
Строго – Секретно |
The Central Committee recommends to all organizations of the party to address serious attention on number of the serious violations, admitted by some organizations in the field of anti-religious propaganda and, in general, in the field of attitudes to believers and to their cults. |
ЦК предлагает всем организациям партии обратить самое серьезное внимание на ряд серьезных нарушений, допущенных некоторыми организациями в области антирелигиозной пропаганды и, вообще, в области отношений к верующим и к их культам. |
The party program speaks: “it is necessary to avoid carefully any insult of feelings of believers, which leads to fastening fanaticism only”. The resolution of 12-th Party Congress, concerning anti-religious propaganda and propagation, confirms, that “deliberately rough actions, often practising in centre and in places, mockery about subjects of belief and cult, instead of serious analysis and explanation – do not accelerate, but complicate liberation of workers from religious superstitions.” |
Партийная программа говорит: “необходимо заботливо избегать всякого оскорбления чувств верующих, ведущего лишь к закреплению религиозного фанатизма”. Резолюция ХII-го Партсъезда по вопросам антирелигиозной агитации и пропаганды подтверждает, что “нарочито грубые приемы, часто практикующиеся в центре и на местах, издевательство над предметами веры и культа, взамен серьезного анализа и объяснения – не ускоряют, а затрудняют освобождение трудящихся масс от религиозных предрассудков”. |
Meanwhile some of our local organizations regularly break these clear and determinate instructions of the party program and party congress. |
Между тем некоторые из наших местных организаций систематически нарушают эти ясные и определенные директивы партийной программы и партийного съезда. |
Irkutsk Provincial Executive Committee with one stroke of a pen stopped from June 26-th of this year existence of all Baptist societies on all province and also closed their praying houses for “political reasons”. Orlovsk Provincial Executive Committee closed on all province churches and praying premises because of not following administrative orders, for not registration, not taking in to account even that term of registration was postponed. In Kliuchinsk glass factory of Tver province and in factory “Communistic vanguard” (b. Sobinka) of Vladimir provinces by voting on general meetings were made decisions on closing churches, praying premises and these decisions served as basis for local authorities to close churches, and in last cases matter reached armed conflict between believing workers and communists with communists-youth. Mscensk Executive Committee (Orlovsk province) declared in the rough form to representatives of church about taxation of each church from 100 to 500 roubles in gold, as the penalty for not registering, and on the request to motivate such collecting, followed threat to arrest and after this arrest followed. On all Transcaucasia, especially in Georgia, tens of churches closing absolutely illegally, with violation of instructions of a party, causing among the population anxiety, dissatisfaction. In Minsk (Belarus), in Kharkov (Ukraine), Poltava (Ukraine), Kremenchug (Ukraine), Lvov (district Rechitsky, Gomel pr.), Birzule (Odessa pr. Ukraine), Simferopol (Crimea) and in many other cities of the south and south-west of the USSR the local Jewish praying houses were closed by local authorities. And etc., etc. |
Иркутский Губисполком одним расчерком пера прекратил с 26. VI с. г. существование всех баптистских обществ по всей губернии и закрыл их молитвенные дома по “политическим соображениям”. Орловский губисполком закрыл по всей губернии церкви и молитвенные помещения за неисполнение административных распоряжений, за нерегистрацию, несмотря даже на то, что срок регистрации был отсрочен. На Ключинском стекольном заводе Тверской губернии и на фабрике “Коммунистический авангард” (б. Собинка) Владимирской губерний голосованием на общих собраниях вынесены решения о закрытии церквей, молитвенных помещений и эти решения послужили основанием для местной власти к закрытию церквей, причем в последних случаях дело дошло до вооруженного столкновения верующих рабочих с коммунистами и комсомольцами. Мценский уисполком (Орловской губернии) объявил в грубой форме представителям церковных советов об обложении каждой церкви от 100 до 500 рубл. золотом, как штраф за нерегистрацию, причем на просьбу о предъявлении основания взыскания последовала угроза арестом, а вслед за этим и арест. По всему Закавказью, особенно в Грузии, закрываются десятки церквей совершенно незаконно, с нарушением директив партии, вызывая среди населения брожение, недовольство. В Минске (Белоруссия), в Харькове (Украина), Полтаве (Украина), Кременчуге (Украина), Лоеве (Речицкий уезд, Гомельской губ.), Бирзуле (Одесская губ. Украина), Симферополе (Крым) и во многих других городах юга и юго-запада СССР были местной властью закрыты еврейские молитвенные дома. И т. д., и т. д. |
These and similar to them numerous examples with sufficient brightness show, how careless, unserious, frivolously some local organizations of the Party and local authorities are to such important question, as a question on freedom of religious beliefs. These organizations and authorities, probably, do not understand, that by rough, tactless actions against the believers, representing the enormous majority of the population, they put incalculable harm to the Soviet authority, threaten to break achievements of a party in the field of decomposition of church and risk to help counter-revolution. |
Эти и подобные им многочисленные примеры с достаточной яркостью свидетельствуют о том, как неосторожно, не серьезно, легкомысленно относятся некоторые местные организации Партии и местные органы власти к такому важному вопросу, как вопрос о свободе религиозных убеждений. Эти организации и органы власти, видимо, не понимают, что своими грубыми, безтактными действиями против верующих, представляющих громадное большинство населения, они наносят неисчислимый вред советской власти, грозят сорвать достижения партии в области разложения церкви и рискуют сыграть на руку контрреволюции. |
Proceeding from told, the CC decides: |
Исходя из сказанного, ЦК постановляет: |
1. To prohibit liquidation of churches, praying premises and synagogues on motives for not proceeding administrative orders about registration, and where such closing took place – to repeal immediately; |
1. воспретить закрытие церквей, молитвенных помещений и синагог по мотивам неисполнения административных распоряжений о регистрации, а где таковое закрытие имело место – отменить немедля; |
2. To prohibit liquidation of praying premises, buildings and so forth by voting at assemblies with participation of non-believers or strangers to that group of believers, which concluded contract on premise or building; |
2. воспретить ликвидацию молитвенных помещений, зданий и проч. путем голосования на собраниях с участием неверующих или посторонних той группе верующих, которая заключила договор на помещение или здание; |
3. To prohibit liquidation of praying premises, buildings and so forth for not paying taxes, as such liquidation is admitted not in strict accordance with instruction PCJ 1918 of 11; |
3. воспретить ликвидацию молитвенных помещений, зданий и пр. за невзнос налогов, поскольку такая ликвидация допущена не в строгом соответствии с инструкцией НКЮ 1918 г. п. 11; |
4. To prohibit arrests of “religious character” as they are not connected with obviously counter-revolutionary acts of “priests” and believers; |
4. воспретить аресты "религиозного характера", поскольку они не связаны с явно контр-революционными деяниями "служителей церкви" и верующих; |
5. By delivering premises to religious societies and defining rates, to follow strictly the decision of The All-Russia Central Executive Committee from 1923 March 29-th; |
5. при сдаче помещений религиозным обществам и определении ставок строжайше соблюдать постановление ВЦИК-а от 29/III-23 г.; |
6. To explain to members of the party, that our success in business of decomposition of church and eradication of religious superstitions depends not on persecutions of believers – persecutions only strengthen religious prejudices, – but on tactful attitude to believers, on patient and thoughtful criticism of religious superstitions, on serious historical illumination of ideas of god, cult and religion and so forth; |
6. разъяснить членам партии, что наш успех в деле разложения церкви и искоренения религиозных предрассудков зависит не от гонений на верующих – гонения только укрепляют религиозные предрассудки, – а от тактичного отношения к верующим при терпеливой и вдумчивой критике религиозных предрассудков, при серьезном историческом освещении идеи бога, культа и религии и пр.; |
7. To assign responsibility for carrying out to life given instruction to secretaries of provincial committees, regional committees, regional bureau, national Central Committees and to country committees personally. |
7. ответственность за проведение в жизнь данной директивы возложить на секретарей губкомов, обкомов, облбюро, национальных ЦК и крайкомов и крайкомов лично. |
The Central Committee warns at the same time, that such attitude to church and believers should not, however, in any measure to weaken vigilance of our organizations in sense of careful supervision over that the church and religious societies would not turn religion into the instrument of counter-revolution. |
ЦК вместе с тем предостерегает, что такое отношение к церкви и верующим не должно, однако, ни в какой мере ослабить бдительность наших организаций в смысле тщательного наблюдения за тем, чтобы церковь и религиозные общества не обратили религию в орудие контр-революции. |
CC Secretary I.Stalin. 1923-08-23 |
Секретарь ЦК И. Сталин. 16/VIII 23 г. |
Fabricated documents by anti-communist and priest.
Anti-communist Anatoly Latyshev in his book “Declassified Lenin” (Анатолий Латышев «Рассекреченный Ленин») in 1996 and priest Priest Dimitry Dudko (Димитрий Дудко, 1922 – 2004) in 1999 («Наш современник» №12, 1999-12-??) tried to portrait atheist Lenin (1870-1924) as more cruel and believer Stalin as more merciful. They represented “documents”, where Lenin “ordered” to close churches and to execute priests without mercy in “Lenin's instruction from May, 1st, 1919 for N 13666-2” and how in 1939-11-11 Stalin cancelled this “Lenin's instruction” and gave orders for People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (НКВД) to stop persecuting believers and to release from custody already arrested priests. Igor Kurliandsky (Игорь Курляндский) claims that these documents are fabricated. («Политический журнал» №32(175), 2007-11-26) that “cancelled” document is falsification and therefore Stalin could not cancel it.
Lenin's instruction about struggle against priests and religion which was “cancelled”.

Stalin’s document which “cancelled” Lenin’s instruction.

The extract from the report of meeting of the Political bureau of the Central Committee from 11.11.39 |
Выписка из протокола заседания политбюро ЦК от 11.11.39 г. |
Religious questions |
Вопросы религии |
Concerning to religion, attendants of Russian Orthodox Church and orthodox believers Central Committee decides: |
В отношении к религии, служителям Русской Православной Церкви и православно верующим ЦК постановляет: |
1) To recognize as inexpedient in the future practice of PCIA USSR agency regarding arrests of attendants of Russian orthodox church, prosecution of believers. |
1) Признать нецелесообразным впредь практику органов НКВД СССР в части арестов служителей русской православной церкви, преследование верующих. |
2) Cancel the Instruction of comrade Ulyanov (Lenin) from May, 1st, 1919 for №13666-2 "About struggle against priests and religion", addressed to AREC chairman comrade Dzerzhinsky and all the corresponding instructions AREC-JSPD-PCIA concerning prosecutions of attendants of Russian orthodox Church and orthodox believers. |
2) Указание товарища Ульянова (Ленина) от 1 мая 1919 года за №13666-2 "О борьбе с попами и религией", адресованных пред. ВЧК товарищу Дзержинскому и все соответствующие инструкции ВЧК-ОГПУ-НКВД, касающиеся преследования служителей русской православной Церкви и православно верующих, – отменить. |
3) PCIA must make audit of the condemned and arrested citizens on the affairs, connected with serving to God activity. To release from custody and to replace punishment with not connected with imprisonment for condemned on the specified motives, if activity of these citizens has not put harm to the Soviet authority. |
3) НКВД произвести ревизию осужденных и арестованных граждан по делам, связанных с богослужительской деятельностью. Освободить из-под стражи и заменить наказание на не связанное с лишением свободы осужденным по указанным мотивам, если деятельность этих граждан не нанесла вреда советской власти. |
4) Question about destiny of believers from other confessions, who are under arrest, CC will rise additionally. |
4) Вопрос о судьбе верующих, находящихся под стражей и в тюрьмах, принадлежащих иным конфессиям, ЦК вынесет решение дополнительно. |
CC Secretary CC I. Stalin. |
Секретарь ЦК И. Сталин |
This document, where Stalin forbid to destroy churches, can be also falsified.

EXTRACT FROM the REPORT of MEETING of the POLITICAL BUREAU of the Central Committee from 1933-09-12
1. During from 20-30 years in Moscow and in territory of adjoining areas 150 temples are completely destroyed. 300 from them (remained) are converted to factory workshops, clubs, hostels, prisons, insulators and colonies for teenagers and homeless children.
1. В период с 20—30 годов в Москве и на территории прилегающих районов полностью уничтожено 150 храмов. 300 из них (оставшихся) переоборудованы в заводские цеха, клубы, общежития, тюрьмы, изоляторы и колонии для подростков и беспризорников.
Plans of architectural buildings intend to take down more than 500 remained structures of temples and churches.
Планы архитектурных застроек предусматривают снос более чем 500 оставшихся строений храмов и церквей.
Central Committee considers that it is impossible designing of buildings with destruction of temples and churches, what we must treat like monuments of architecture by Old Russian heritage.
На основании изложенного ЦК считает невозможным проектирование застроек за счет разрушения храмов и церквей, что следует считать памятниками архитектуры древне русского зодчества.
Agencies of the Soviet authority and militia of workers-villagers are obliged to take measures down to the disciplinary and party responsibility to protect monuments of architecture by Old Russian heritage.
Органы Советской власти и рабоче-крестьянской милиции обязаны принимать меры вплоть до дисциплинарной и партийной ответственности по охране памятников архитектуры древне русского зодчества.
CC Secretary I.Stalin.
Секретарь ЦК И. Сталин
Why Russians disliked priests.
Lenin (1970-1924) was an atheist and disliked religion and priests (as many other poor Russians). Religion and priests were prosecuted not for belief in God, but as corrupt rich class and for supporting monarchical dictatorship – Tsar, who, according to Church, was appointed by God to rule over Russia (like Emperor of Japan during WW2).
Bible:NT:Romans:13:1 "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."
Church was against parliamentarian government system and by that government was hanged Lenin's brother. Lenin has various reasons to dislike Church, like one below.
Berlin, 08 June 2007, Interfax – German psychologist Gunter Kruse, who in recent years has been engaged in drawing up Lenin's family tree, maintains that one of the world proletariat leader's great-grandmothers was burnt at the stake as a witch. – www.interfax-religion.com
Lenin conflicted with Stalin and tried to keep him from power because of Stalin’s rudeness and cruelty. As Lenin wrote:
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin “Letter to the Congress”
Владимир Ильич Ленин «Письмo к съезду»
“Comrade Stalin, having become Secretary-General, has unlimited authority concentrated in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution. (1922-12-24) Stalin is too rude and this defect, although quite tolerable in our midst and in dealing among us Communists, becomes intolerable in a Secretary-General. That is why I suggest that the comrades think about a way of removing Stalin from that post and appointing another man in his stead who in all other respects differs from Comrade Stalin in having only one advantage, namely, that of being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite and more considerate to the comrades, less capricious, etc. (1923-01-04)” |
«Тов. Сталин, сделавшись генсеком, сосредоточил в своих руках необъятную власть, и я не уверен, сумеет ли он всегда достаточно осторожно пользоваться этой властью. (24 декабря 1922 г.) Сталин слишком груб, и этот недостаток, вполне терпимый в среде и в общениях между нами, коммунистами, становится нетерпимым в должности генсека. Поэтому я предлагаю товарищам обдумать способ перемещения Сталина с этого места и назначить на это место другого человека, который во всех других отношениях отличается от тов. Сталина только одним перевесом, именно, более терпим, более лоялен, более вежлив и более внимателен к товарищам, меньше капризности и т. д. (4 января 1923 г.)» |
Lenin was revolutionist. He destroyed monarchy, fought to make Russia Parliamentarian State. Even now 65% Russians think that Lenin played positive role in the history of their country. 26% percent think he played a negative role, and 9% have no opinion on the matter. Why USSR didn't like church, especially after war? Church was flirting with Nazi in World War Two. Pius XI signed friendly agreement with Mussolini in 1929 and with Hitler in 1934. Fascism with Mussolini born in Vatican’s cradle – Italy. It is good that USSR government didn’t see paedophile scandals – situation could be worse. Inquisition and Crusaders did not play positive role too. Russians revenged to all, who collaborated with Nazi and fascists. Simple people didn’t know what to think. Lenin was against Church, Stalin was for Church. Stalin was very powerful, but he was only second in respectability after Lenin – Father of Revolution. Therefore even Stalin could not present himself as openly religious person, as he was successor of Lenin’s secular heritage.
Interview with Artiom Fiodorovich Sergeev (Артём Фёдорович Сергеев) who was raised in Stalin's family.
Newspaper "ZAVTRA" №17 2006-04-26
Газета "ЗАВТРА" №17 2006-04-26
Ekaterina Glushik: Were conversations about religion at home? What was Stalin's attitude to religion: maybe, celebrated Easter? |
Екатерина Глушик: Велись ли дома разговоры о религии? Каким было отношение Сталина к религии: может, Пасху отмечали? |
Artiom Fiodorovich Sergeev: No, we didn’t celebrate Easter and other church’s holidays. But expressions with a mention of the God in house were used. "Thank God", for example, "God forbid!" and "for God's sake" Stalin itself used quite often. I never heard of any bad word from Stalin about church and belief. I remember such case in year 1931 or 32-nd. Opposite to school, where Vasily (son of Stalin) studied, in the second Obydensk lane, there was a temple. Somehow, when there was a service, boys tried to shoot from "frighter" near it. Vasily did not participate in that and told about this to the father. The father (Stalin) asks: "What for they did this? They are prayers and do not disturb your study. Why do you disturb pray for them?" He asked Vasily further: "Do you love and respect your grandmother?" He (Vasily) answers professedly: "Yes, very much, thus she – your mum." Stalin speaks: "She prays too." Vasily: "Why?" The father answers him: "Because she, maybe, knows what you do not know." |
Артём Фёдорович Сергеев: Нет, ни Пасхи, ни других праздников церковных не отмечали. А выражения с упоминанием бога дома употреблялись. "Слава богу", например, "Не дай бог!" и "Ради бога" Сталин сам нередко говорил. Я никогда не слышал от Сталина ни одного плохого слова в адрес церкви и веры. Помню, такой случай году в 1931 или 32-м. Напротив школы, где учился Василий, во втором Обыденском переулке, был храм. Как-то, когда там шла служба, мальчишки возле пробовали стрелять из пугача. Василий в этом участия не принимал, а рассказывал отцу об этом. Отец спрашивает: "Зачем они это делали? Они же, молящиеся, вам учиться не мешают. Почему же вы им мешаете молиться?" Далее спросил Василия: "Ты бабушку любишь, уважаешь?" Тот отвечает, мол, да, очень, ведь это – твоя мама. Сталин говорит: "Она тоже молится". Василий: "Почему?" Отец отвечает ему: "Потому что она, может, знает то, чего ты не знаешь". |
Stalin knew questions of religion well, he had many books, including concerning histories of religion. And he wrote important works on this theme. For example, in article "Against destruction of temples" he speaks, that temples are monuments of culture of our Native land, to destroy them is it to destroy monuments of culture. In article "About prohibition of prosecution for belief" he speaks about necessity to stop prosecutions of people for belief and to let out clerics from prisons if behind them there are no criminal offences. |
Сам Сталин хорошо знал вопросы религии, книг у него было немало, в том числе по вопросам и истории религии. И сам он писал важные работы на эту тему. Например, в статье "Против разрушения храмов" он говорит, что храмы – это памятники культуры нашей Родины, разрушать их – это разрушать памятники культуры. В статье "О запрещении преследования за веру" он говорит о необходимости прекратить преследования людей за веру и выпустить священнослужителей из тюрем, если за ними нет уголовных преступлений. |
I was on Stalin's funeral “from and to”, and among the people who come to say goodbye to him, there were many church attendants. They in their attires passed by a coffin and maked the sign of the cross. |
Я был на похоронах Сталина "от и до", и среди людей, пришедших с ним попрощаться, было немало церковных служителей. Они в своих одеяниях проходили мимо гроба и крестились. |
Stalin went to Kremlin’s Church.
Yuri Soloviev (Юрий Соловьёв) (Stalin’s personal guard for 10 years) claimed that Stalin was believer and during World War Two Stalin went to Kremlin’s Church. (French, Austrian, Germany and Russian documentary “Inside the Kremlin: In the Heart of Russia” by Thomas Schreiber / 2005, NDR Television in cooperation with Channel 1 Russia). It could be between years 1939 and 1945.
Narrator: “This man served in security of Kremlin some time ago too. Yuri Soloviev. He was personal bodyguard of Joseph Stalin more than ten years. Also, he was responsible for security of Stalin in famous Potsdam Conference. During filming, Yuri Soloviev showed us place in Grand Kremlin Palace, which stayed in his memory forever. Behind these bars – small church. During World War II, it was place of surprising event. Stalin came here often.” |
Ведущий: «Этот человек когда то тоже служил в охране Кремля. Юрий Соловьёв. Более десяти лет он был личным охранником Иосифа Сталина. За безопасность Сталина он отвечал и на знаменитой Потсдамской Конференций. Во время съёмок Юрий Соловьёв показал нам то место в Большом Кремлёвском Дворце, которая на всегда осталось в его памяти. За этой решеткой – маленькая церковь. Во время Отечественной Войны она была местом удивительного события. Сюда часто заходил Сталин.» |
Yuri Soloviev: “He came here only, when he was alone, without escort. Here, he administered, apparently, his spiritual needs. Here, it was always possible to reach hands to church books, come (closer) to Anastasius (Saint Anastasius of Sinai). Well, he – believing human.” |
Юрий Соловьёв: «Он заходил только тогда, когда он шел один, без свиты. Здесь он отправлял, видимо, духовные свои потребности. Здесь можно было всегда протянуть руки к церковным книгам, подойти к Анастасу (Святой Анастасий Синаит). Ну, он – человек верующий.» |
Narrator: “Yuri Soloviev honors Stalin until today.” |
Ведущий: «Юрий Соловьёв почитает Сталина и по сегодняшний день.» |
According to Stalin's grandson Alexander Burdonsky, Stalin confessed.
Moskovsky Komsomolets number 25303 on March 17, 2010 E. Svetlova, "Stainless Stalin"
Alexander Burdonsky: “Stalin was a very clever man, he knew and understood what to do. It was interesting for me also to understand, what he was thinking, when he sat for hours at night in a chair and looked out the window, which faced the woods. What kind of thoughts went through him, why he wanted to confess? There was a confession. The priest was interrogated under Khrushchev with terrible force, but he said nothing.”
Московский Комсомолец № 25303 от 17 марта 2010 г. Светлова Е. "Нержавеющий Сталин"
Александр Бурдонский: "Сталин был очень умным человеком, он хорошо знал и понимал, что делает. Мне было бы интересно понять, что он думал, когда часами сидел ночью в кресле и смотрел в окно, которое выходило на лес. Какие мысли он перебирал? Почему он захотел исповедаться? Ведь исповедь была. Священника трясли при Хрущеве со страшной силой, но он ничего не сказал."
Stalin attended Temple of All Saints to pray.
Newspaper "Moscow Falcon" №1(77) 2005-01-??; Sofia Pavlova "Only Church, visited by Stalin ..."
Газета «Московский Сокол» №1(77) 2005-01-??; София Павлова «Единственный храм, где бывал Сталин…»
Тhe head of the Temple of All Saints Michael Aleksandrovich Rodin: "Joseph Vissarionovich come during war in our temple to pray. And even today there are parishioners alive – a few very older persons, who remember this fact and saw Stalin themselves. Stalin, as tell, came to a temple three times and stood long, facing to two icons, – Nikolay Chudotvorets and Kazan Divine Mother. Joseph Vissarionovich has not stood all service, his visits last 15-20 minutes." |
Староста Храма Всех Святых Михаил Александрович Родин: "Сам Иосиф Виссарионович заезжал во время войны в наш храм помолиться. У нас и сегодня живы прихожане – несколько очень пожилых людей, которые помнят этот факт и сами видели Сталина. Сталин, как рассказывают, приезжал в храм трижды и подолгу стоял перед двумя иконами – Николая Чудотворца и Казанской Божьей Матери. Всю службу Иосиф Виссарионович не выстаивал, его визиты длились минут по 15-20." |

In 1942-1943 Stalin started to organze meetings with priests and initiated reopening of churches, seminaries, academies, publishing of religious magazines in "bolshevistic speed" (as quick as possible) (Сталин: "А нельзя ли проявить большевистские темпы?") and promised full support. There are some documented speeches from these meetings:
M.I.Odincov "Russian patriarchs of XX century" year 1994, №34 note of G.G.Karpov about Russian patriarchs welcome by J.V.Stalin 286 page
Одинцов М.И. "Русские патриархи ХХ века." 1994 год, №34 записка Г.Г.Карпова о приеме И.В.Сталиным иерархов Русской Православной Церкви стр. 286
“Comrade Stalin told: “Well, as you want, this is your business, and if you want theological class, begin with them, but the Government will not have objections and against opening seminaries and academies.” |
"Тов. Сталин сказал: "Ну, как хотите, это дело ваше, а если хотите богословские курсы, начинайте с них, но Правительство не будет иметь возражений и против открытия семинарий и академий." |
“Comrade Stalin told, that the church can count on comprehensive support of the Government in all questions connected with its organizational strengthening and development inside USSR, and that, as he spoke about the organization of spiritual educational institutions, not objecting to opening of seminaries in dioceses, so there can not be obstacles and to opening managements of candle factories at eparchial and other manufactures.” |
"Тов. Сталин сказал, что церковь может рассчитывать на всестороннюю поддержку Правительства во всех вопросах, связанных с ее организационным укреплением и развитием внутри СССР, и что, как он говорил об организации духовных учебных заведений, не возражая против открытия семинарий в епархиях, так не может быть препятствий и к открытию при епархиальных управлениях свечных заводов и других производств." |
“Then, addressing to me, Stalin told: “It is necessary to provide the right for bishop to dispose church's sums (money). There is no need to do obstacles for the organization of seminaries, candle factories, etc.” |
"Затем, обращаясь ко мне, т. Сталин сказал: лин сказал: "Надо обеспечить право архиерея распоряжаться церковными суммами. Не надо делать препятствий к организации семинарий, свечных заводов и т. д." |
Stalin's marks in books.
English historian Simon Sebag Montefiore studied Stalin’s hobbies, personal library, what Stalin liked to read, what kind of marks he left in his books. He found that Stalin liked to quote long quotes from the Bible. Stalin left such mark about God in the book “Last pages. Dialogues under a rose.” by Anatole France: ”Don‘t know traces, don‘t see. There is no Him for them.” ("Следов не знают, не видят. Его для них нет."). It seems, like Stalin thought that he knew God’s traces and saw God, not like others.
Antireligious literature for Stalin is waste-paper.
M.V.Shkarovskii "Russian Orthodox Church under Stalin and Khruschev" p. 201
Before war, selecting library for a summer residence, Stalin has attributed for executors: "Please, no any antireligious maculature! (maculature = paper waste, junk)". Absolutely authentically it is known, for example, that Stalin from time to time liked to quote the Bible.
М.В.Шкаровский "Русская Православная Церковь при Сталине и Хрущеве" с. 201
Перед войной, подбирая библиотеку для дачи, Сталин приписал для сведения исполнителей: «Прошу, чтобы не было никакой атеистической макулатуры!». Совершенно достоверно известно, например, что Сталин временами любил цитировать Библию.
Photocopy in magazine "New and contemporary history" (historian B.S.Ilizarov).
Book "Stalin" by Dmitri Antonovich Volkogonov.
"A note to the librarian (Ivan Pavlovich Tovstukha). My advice (and request):
3) All the others (books) to assort by authors, excluding from classification and having put aside: any textbooks, small magazines, antireligious waste-paper, etc.). 29.V.25 y. I.Stalin".
Фотокопия в журнале «Новая и новейшая история» (историк Б.С.Илизаров).
Волкогонов Дмитрий Антонович - Книга "Сталин".
«Записка библиотекарю (Иван Павлович Товстуха). Мой совет (и просьба):
3) Все остальные склассифицировать по авторам (исключив из классификации и отложив в сторону: учебники всякие, мелкие журналы, антирелигиозную макулатуру антирелигиозную макулатуру и т. п.). 29.V.25 г. И. Сталин».
Stalin’s friends and comrades talk about Stalin.
One hundred and forty conversations with Molotov: from diary of F.Chuev 1991 ISBN 5-85255-042-6
Сто сорок бесед с Молотовым: Из дневника Ф. Чуева 1991 ISBN 5-85255-042-6
Felix Ivanovich Chuev: The chief marshal of aviation A.E.Golovanov spoke to me, that after rout of Germans near Moscow Stalin told: "Allow us God to finish this war in 1946". [p. 31] |
Феликс Иванович Чуев: Главный маршал авиации А.Е. Голованов говорил мне, что после разгрома немцев под Москвой Сталин сказал: «Дай бог нам эту войну закончить в 1946 году». [c. 31] |
Shota Ivanovich Kvantaliani: Why even Molotov? Even Stalin, even Voroshilov and Molotov – three sang! All of us were choristers in church. Both – Stalin, and Voroshilov, and I. In different places, of course. Stalin – in Tbilisi, Voroshilov – in Lugansk, I – in the Nolinsk. (...) So we three sang. "Let your pray will come to fruition… " – and so on. Very good music, church singing [p. 123] |
Шота Иванович Кванталиани: Почему даже Молотов? Даже Сталин, даже Ворошилов и Молотов трое пели! Мы все трое были певчими в церкви. И Сталин, и Ворошилов, и я. В разных местах, конечно. Сталин – в Тбилиси, Ворошилов – в Луганске, я – в своем Нолинске. (...) Вот мы трое пели. «Да исправится молитва твоя…» – и так далее. Очень хорошая музыка, пение церковное. [c. 123] |
Felix Ivanovich Chuev: Our commanders told me, that Stalin before battle, addressing, usually spoke: "Well, give the God!", or "Well, help the Lord! ". And writer Vladimir Soloukhin, who served during war in the Kremlin, told: "Joseph Vissarionovich went out on a porch. At the left – patriarch Aleksy, on the right…" – "Probably, Molotov?" – I have asked. – "...Metropolitan Krutitsky and Kolomna," – without blinking answered Vladimir Alekseevich. – "And why are you laughing? He (Stalin) respected priests. Seminar education affected..." [p. 269-270] |
Феликс Иванович Чуев: Мне наши полководцы рассказывали, что Сталин перед [c. 269] сражением, напутствуя, обычно говорил: «Ну, дай бог!», или «Ну, помоги господь!». А писатель Владимир Солоухин, служивший во время войны в Кремле, рассказывал: «Выходит на крыльцо Иосиф Виссарионович. По левую руку – патриарх Алексий, по правую…» – «Наверно, Молотов?» – спросил я. «Митрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский, – не моргнув, ответил Владимир Алексеевич. – А что ты смеешься? Он попов уважал. Сказывалось семинарское образование…» [c. 270] |
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov: It is necessary to say, Stalin also was not the militant atheist. Certainly, first of all, he was the revolutionist and continued Lenin's line against popovschina*. [p. 269] |
Вячеслав Михайлович Молотов:вич Молотов: Надо сказать, и Сталин не был воинственным безбожником. Конечно, прежде всего, он был революционером и продолжал линию Ленина против поповщины. [с. 269] |
*The Popovtsy or Popovschina ("priestist people") – one of the two principal movements (along with the Bespopovtsy "priestless people") was formed by the end of the 17th century in Russia. The Popovtsy recognized priesthood and created their own ecclesiastical structure, which later broke into a number of movements. The Popovtsy represented the more moderate conservative opposition, which strove to continue religious and church life as it had existed before the reforms of Nikon. They recognized ordained priests from the new style Russian Orthodox church who joined the Old Believers and denounced the Nikonian reforms. The Popovtsy were hostile towards the October Revolution of 1917.
The Bespopovtsy or Bespopovschina ("priestless people") rejected "the World" where Antichrist reigned; they preached, asceticism, adherence to the old rituals and the old faith. The Bespopovtsy claimed that the true church of Christ had ceased to exist on Earth, and they therefore renounced priests and all sacraments except baptism. Bespopovtsy have no priests and no eucharist. |
Alexander Mikhailovich Orlov
"The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes"
"Somehow he (Pavel Alliluev – brother of Stalin’s wife) mentioned that Stalin, drunken from vodka, started to sing spiritual-religious hymns."
Александр Михайлович Орлов
«Тайная история сталинских преступлений»
"Он (Павел Аллилуев) как-то упомянул о том, что Сталин, опьянев от водки, начинал распевать духовные гимны."
I.V.Stalin, А.А.Zhdanov, V.M.Molotov
Conversation with S.M.Eisenstein and N.K.Tcherkasov about the movie “Ivan the Terrible” on 1947-02-26
Source: I.V.Stalin “Works”; Volume 18; Tver: Information-publishing center “Union”, 2006, p. 433–440
Stalin: “May god give you New Year every day.” (p. 434)
Stalin: Certainly, we are not very good Christians, but to deny a progressive role of Christianity at a certain stage it is impossible. This event had very large value, because it was a turn of Russian state to merge with the West, instead of orientation to the East. (p. 435)
И.В.Сталин, А.А.Жданов, В.М.Молотов
Беседа с С.М.Эйзенштейном и Н.К.Черкасовым по поводу фильма «Иван Грозный» 26 февраля 1947 года
Источник: И.В.Сталин – Cочинения; Том 18; Тверь: Информационно-издательский центр «Союз», 2006, p. 433–440.
Сталин: «Дай вам бог, каждый день – новый год.» (c. 434)
Сталин: Конечно, мы не очень хорошие христиане, но отрицать прогрессивную роль христианства на определенном этапе нельзя. Это событие имело очень крупное значение, потому что это был поворот русского государства на смыкание с Западом, а не ориентация на Восток. (c. 435)
Conversation comes to an end, when Stalin wishes success and speaks: "May god help you!" (p. 440) |
Разговор кончается тем, что Сталин желает успеха и говорит: «Помогай бог!» (c. 440) |
Stalin was proud, that Georgia accepted Orthodoxy earlier, than Russia.
Absolutely authentically it is known, for example, that Stalin from time to time liked to quote the Bible. Happened, even before the nearest environment (certainly, before those who could appreciate this somehow) Stalin "was proud", that Georgia accepted Orthodoxy much earlier, than Russia. (...). A.I.Mikoyan (1895-1978), who entered into the nearest environment of Stalin, was also from seminarists: he finished Tbilisi theological seminary in 1916, studied in spiritual academy. |
Совершенно достоверно известно, например, что Сталин временами любил цитировать Библию. Бывало, даже перед ближайшим окружением (разумеется, перед теми, кто мог это хоть в какой-то мере оценить) "гордился", что Грузия приняла православие много раньше, чем Россия. (...). Входивший в ближайшее окружение И. В. Сталина А. И. Микоян (1895-1978) был также из семинаристов: в 1916 г. он окончил Тифлисскую духовную семинарию, учился в духовной академии. |

Stalin and Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill: “The Second World War, Volume 4 – The Hinge of Fate, Book 2 – Africa Redeemed, Chapter 27 – Moscow: The First Meeting” (1950)
Черчилль Уинстон: «Вторая мировая война, Том 4. Поворот Судьбы, Часть 2. Африка освобождена, Глава 4. Москва: Первая встреча» (1991)
(1942 August) To illustrate my point I had meanwhile drawn a picture of a crocodile, and explained to Stalin with the help of this picture how it was our intention to attack the soft belly of the crocodile as we attacked his hard snout. And Stalin, whose interest was now at a high pitch, said, “May God prosper this undertaking.” |
(1942 август) Чтобы проиллюстрировать свои разъяснения, я тем временем нарисовал крокодила и объяснил Сталину с помощью этого рисунка, как мы намереваемся атаковать мягкое брюхо крокодила, в то время как мы атакуем его жесткую морду. Сталин, который был теперь очень заинтересован, сказал: «Дай бог, чтобы это предприятие удалось». |
Winston Churchill: “The Second World War, Volume 4 – The Hinge of Fate, Book 2 – Africa Redeemed, Chapter 28 – Moscow: Relationship established” (1950)
Черчилль Уинстон: «Вторая мировая война, Том 4. Поворот Судьбы, Часть 2. Африка освобождена, Глава 5. Москва: Отношения установлены» (1991)
He smiled amicably, so I said, “Have you forgiven me?” “Premier Stalin, he say,” said Interpreter Pavlov, “all that is in the past, and the past belongs to God.”. |
Он дружелюбно улыбнулся, и тогда я спросил: «Вы простили меня?» «Премьер Сталин говорит, — перевел Павлов, — что все это относится к прошлому, а прошлое принадлежит богу». |
Dmitry Petrovich Savchenko (military journalist) – "Civil "marshal Zhukov" of The Great Victory", 2005-04-08 "The Independent Newspaper"
Дмитрий Петрович Савченко (военный журналист) – "Гражданский "маршал Жуков" Великой Победы", 2005-04-08 "Независимая газета"
Letter to Aleksey Kosygin (1948-10-22)
C.(omrade) Kosygin! Gifts from lord-God are sent to you (I am an executor of His will). It would be necessary to send more, but there is shortage in reserve. Pay attention to fish, – it is called "whitefish". Good, (people) speak, fish.
Письмо Алексею Косыгину (1948-10-22)
Т. Косыгин! Посылаются Вам дары от господа-Бога (я – исполнитель его воли). Надо бы послать больше, да в резерве нехватка. Обратите внимание на рыбу, – называется она "белорыбица". Хорошая, говорят, рыба.
Greetings! Stalin. |
Привет! Сталин. |

Stalin "hated" religion so much, that in 1951-06-27 he gave "Stalin’s Prize" to English clergyman Hewlett Johnson. Various prizes under Stalin and Soviet authority received and other priests.

Stalin's "pure atheistic" funeral. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church – Metropolitan Nicholas (Николай), Archbishop Nikon (Никон) and archpriest Nikolai Kolchitsky (Николай Колчицкий) - part of the honor guard at the coffin of Joseph Stalin.
Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate (JMP), 1953, №3, p. 5; №4, p. 3-4 (Журнал Московской Патриархии (ЖМП), 1953, №3, стр. 5; №4, стр. 3-4)
Documentary film "How Stalin died", 2008, Russia, director Sergey Kostin, presenter Armen Djigarkhanyan,
"Farewells with Stalin were organized in temples too. The first requiem for family was in church of Resurrection of Slovushchy on Filippovsky street. It was ordered by Vasily Stalin. The second was official in the Elohovsky Cathedral, served by patriarch Aleksy himself. Requiems for communistic leaders in Soviet Union churches were served never before."
Документальный фильм "Как умер Сталин", 2008, Россия, режиссер Сергей Костин, ведущий Армен Джигарханян.
"Со Сталиным прощались и в храмах. Первая заупокойная служба в церкви Воскресения Словущего в Филипповском переулке была семейной. Ее заказал Василий Сталин. Вторая была официальной в Елоховском Кафедральном соборе и отслужил ее сам патриарх Алексий. Никогда до этого ни в одной церкви Советского Союза не служили панихиды по коммунистическим вождям."
From speech of the most holy patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Aleksii before requiem on I.V.Stalin, told in the patriarchal cathedral in day of Stalin's funeral (1953-03-09).
Из речи святейшего патриаха Московского и всея Руси Алексия перед панихидой по И.В.Сталине, сказаная в патриаршем соборе в день его похорон (9.03.1953 г.).
"(...) We, who gathered for a pray about him, can not pass with silence his always benevolent, sympathizing attitude to our church needs. Any question, with which we addressed to him, has not been rejected by him; he satisfied all our requests. And a lot of good and useful, thanks to his high authority, has been done for our Church by our Government. |
"(...) Мы же, собравшись для молитвы о нем, не можем пройти молчанием его всегда благожелательного, участливого отношения к нашим церковным нуждам. Ни один вопрос, с которым бы мы к нему ни обращались, не был им отвергнут; он удовлетворял все наши просьбы. И много доброго и полезного, благодаря его высокому авторитету, сделано для нашей Церкви нашим Правительством. |
Memory of him for us is unforgettable, and our Russian Orthodox Church, mourning over his leaving from us, escorting him to last way, "in a way of all word", with a hot pray. |
Память о нем для нас незабвенна, и наша Русская Православная Церковь, оплакивая его уход от нас, провожает его в последний путь, "в путь всея земли", горячей молитвой. |
In these sad for us days, from different directions of our Fatherland from bishops, clergy and believers, and from from Heads and representatives of Churches, as orthodox and heterodox, from abroad, I receive mass of telegrams which are informing about prays about him and condoling with us on the occasion of this sad loss for us. We prayed for him when the message about his heavy illness has come. And now, when there is no more him, we pray for the world of his immortal soul. |
В эти печальные для нас дни со всех сторон нашего Отечества от архиереев, духовенства и верующих, и из-за границы от Глав и представителей Церквей, как православных, так и инославных, я получаю множество телеграмм, в которых сообщается о молитвах о нем и выражается нам соболезнование по случаю этой печальной для нас утраты. Мы молились о нем, когда пришла весть об его тяжкой болезни. И теперь, когда его не стало, мы молимся о мире его бессмертной души. |
Yesterday our special delegation, composed from high ordained metropolitan Nikolay; the representative of the episcopate, clergy and believers of Siberia of the archbishop Palladium; the representative of the episcopate, clergy and believers of Ukraine of archbishop Nikona and archpriest Nikolay, has placed a wreath to his coffin and has bowed on behalf of Russian Orthodox Church to his dear body-remains. |
Вчера наша особая делегация в составе Высокопреосвященного митрополита Николая; представителя епископата, духовенства и верующих Сибири архиепископа Палладия; представителя епископата, духовенства и верующих Украины архиепископа Никона и протопресвитера о. Николая, возложила венок к его гробу и поклонилась от лица Русской Православной Церкви его дорогому праху. |
The pray, fulfilled with Christian love, reaches the God. We believe, as our pray about deceased will be heard by the Lord. And to our loved and unforgettable Joseph Vissarionovich we devoutly, with deep, passionate love proclaim eternal memory." |
Молитва, преисполненная любви христианской, доходит до Бога. Мы веруем, что и наша молитва о почившем будет услышана Господом. И нашему возлюбленному и незабвенному Иосифу Виссарионовичу мы молитвенно, с глубокой, горячей любовью возглашаем вечную память." |
So, Stalin’s love to religion was not just right before his death, but started much earlier. Some people say, that Stalin revived religion just because Hitler in Germany planed to attack Russia (therefore it is strange, why Stalin didn’t believe, that Germany attacked USSR borders for some time after attack happened and argued that it is just propaganda by enemies). Or, maybe, he told stories of Christ to his daughter Svetlana because he afraid of Hitler too? But even if so... it seems, that Stalin understood power of religion and... if you want to send people to death ant kill others... the best help for that purpose can provide... religion. When people know, that Heaven is waiting for them after death, – they can die with smile on their face. For positive contribution to religion and recreation of church in Russia, some groups even started initiative to declare Stalin as saint.
Stalin, Evolution and Grigory Glurdzhidze.
It is necessary to say, that religion often perverts understanding of Evolution by claiming, that survives "the strongest, the ruthlesst, the cruellest" and so on... by putting in the heads of people such understanding of "real" laws of life. In reality... during Evolution survive beings with characteristics best-suited for their environment. Therefore, if in society is more appreciable honesty, decency, usefulness – society will care more about person, who has such characteristics, and therefore such person will have better chances of survival.
Stalin spoke about God and Evolution with his friend Grigory Glurdzhidze during summer holidays, when they both were 13 years old (1892-6...8-??, 4-th class of Gori Church School).
"Memorable years". G.Glurzhidze (magazine "Godless" N4 1938)
Joseph comprehended that "Something" better than others. If my memory doesn't fail me, conversation, about which I want to tell, took place, when Joseph and I were thirteen years old.
During summer holidays, having come back to Gori from native village Vershueti, I have visited Joseph, and we went to walk on street. Have passed the bridge over Kuru river, have passed over the railway and have settled down on a green lawn.
Young, yet not tempted in life, we liked to talk about abstract themes. I have started talking about God. Joseph listened to me and after minute of silence has answered:
- You know, we are deceived, god doesn't exist...
These words have surprised me. I didn't hear such words from anybody.
- Soso, what do you say?!
- I will give you to read the book, from which you will see, that the world and all life are arranged absolutely differently and conversations about God is an empty talk, – Joseph has told.
- Which book is this? – I'm interested.
- Darwin. Necessarily read it, – instructively answered Joseph.
"Памятные годы". Г.Глуржидзе (журнал "Безбожник" N4 1938 год)
Иосиф лучше других постигал это “Что-то”. Если память мне не изменяет, беседа, о которой я хочу рассказать, имела место, когда Иосифу и мне было по тринадцати лет.
Во время летних каникул, возвратившись в Гори из родного села Вершуети, я навестил Иосифа, и мы вышли гулять на улицу. Прошли мост через Куру, перешли за полотно железной дороги и расположились на зеленой лужайке.
Молодые, еще не искушенные в жизни, мы любили беседовать на отвлеченные темы. Я заговорил о боге. Иосиф слушал меня и после минутного молчания ответил:
- Знаешь, нас обманывают, бога не существует...
Эти слова удивили меня. Ни от кого еще я не слышал таких слов.
- Сосо, что ты говоришь?!
- Я дам тебе прочесть книгу, из которой ты увидишь, что мир и вся жизнь устроены совсем по-иному и разговоры о боге пустая болтовня, – сказал Иосиф.
- Какая это книга? – заинтересовался я.
- Дарвин. Обязательно прочти, – наставительно ответил Иосиф.
Yes, it is anti-religious speech (as G.Glurdzhidze told us about Stalin). But it seems, that Darwin’s book did not have LONG LASTING impact on Stalin. Even Pope in Vatican officially accepted Darwin’s theory of Evolution and admitted, that it does not contradict Christianity. It looks, that Stalin found some similar solution between Evolution and Christianity as Pope later ...maybe, with help of other believers. Because, after this speech in 1892, Stalin (as an "atheist"?) continued to go to Gori Church School and finished it with honours in 1894-06-??. Therefore, he was recommended to enter into the Tbilisi Priest Seminary and entered it in 1894-09-01 (and studied there untill 1899-07-29). Stalin started as good student in Seminary also. In the first year, he took 8-th place in class. In the second year, he took even higher 5-th place. Only in third year, Stalin started to have problems and dropped to 16-th place. Also, Stalin entered Seminary against his father’s wish:
Alexander Ostrovsky – "Who was behind Stalin? " 2002 (page 103 and photo 11)
Seminarian Joseph Dzhugashvili wrote in his petition to rector Serafim on August 28 in 1895:
“My father does not support me with parental custody for three years already, as a punishment for I continued education not in accordance with his wish... (...) ... Therefore, I recourse again at Your Reverence’s feet and ask humbly to help me by accepting me under full government expense, how you will do the greatest mercy.”
Александр Островский – «Кто стоял за спиной Сталина? » 2002 (с. 103 и фото 11)
В прошении на имя ректора Серафима семинарист Иосиф Джугашвили 28 августа 1895 года пишет:
«Отец мой уже три года не оказывает мне отцовского попечения в наказание за то, что я не по его желанию продолжил образование… (...) ...Посему я вторично прибегаю к стопам Вашего Высокопреподобия и прошу покорнейше оказать мне помощь принятием на полный казённый счёт, чем окажете величайшую милость»
Stalin’s permanent behaviour and personal notes later show that he was not an atheist, but believer or returned to belief in God. Maybe Stalin’s temporary atheistic behaviour was influenced by events few month before (1892-02-13), when he expressed his believe in God and justice:
Evgenie Mironov, "Gen-Secretary-traitor" 2008
On 1892-02-13 the crowd has gathered at a scaffold, where the public execution of two criminals was arranged. Was considered that “the execution show should inspire feeling of inevitability of punishment, fear of a crime”. Peter Kapanadze – the pupil of Gorijsky church school – remembered: “Teachers considered that it will inspire sensation of fear and humility to youth. But picture of execution has even more strengthened in us discontent for regime, which reigned in spiritual school. We were terribly suppressed by this scene of execution, eyes were dimmed by tears. There was young Joseph Dzhugashvili with us together. We hotly discussed events of this day. Sermons of spiritual school teachers, a precept "don't kill" and all similar things didn't correspond in any way in our representation... with a public execution of two peasants, nicknamed as robbers, with a figure of the priest, escorting the condemned. During execution rope broke, but they hung up him in the second time”.
Execution was widely discussed in city and in student's environment. – Like, by all canons, being guided by a commandment – don't kill, the cleric should prevent not pleasant for God act, but priest betrayed two peasants, gathered crowd and God. – This execution has convinced Joseph once again that infringement of Christian commandments – ordinary phenomenon.
Евгений Миронов, "Генсек-предатель" 2008
13.02.1892 г. толпа собралась у помоста, где устраивалась публичная казнь двух преступников. Считалось, что «зрелище казни должно внушать чувство неотвратимости возмездия, боязнь преступления». Петр Капанадзе – учащийся Горийского духовного училища – вспоминал: «Преподаватели считали, что это внушит молодежи чувство страха и покорность. Но картина казни еще более укрепила в нас недовольство тем режимом, который царил в духовном училище. Мы были страшно подавлены сценой казни, глаза застилали слезы. С нами вместе был юный Иосиф Джугашвили. Мы горячо обсуждали события этого дня. Проповеди учителей духовного училища, заповедь «не убий» и все подобное никак не увязывалось в нашем представлении с публичной казнью двух крестьян, прозванных разбойниками, с фигурой священника, сопровождавшего осужденных. Во время казни оборвалась веревка, но повесили во второй раз».
Казнь широко обсуждалась и в городе и в ученической среде. – Вроде бы, по всем канонам, руководствуясь заповедью – не убий, священнослужитель должен бы воспрепятствовать не богоугодному деянию, но священник ПРЕДАЛ и двух крестьян и собравшуюся толпу и Бога. – Иосифа данная казнь лишний раз убедила, что нарушение христианских заповедей – обыденное явление.
G.Razmadze: “It was, apparently, in 1892. Policemen caught three ossetins, robbing in Gori district. Public execution was appointed on the coast of Liahvy river. (...). This terrible picture made on us, children, painful impression. Coming back from the execution place, we began to discuss, what will happen with hanged in the next world. Whether they will be fried on slow fire. Soso Dzhugashvili has resolved our doubts: They – he told thoughtfully – already were punished, and it will be unfair for God to punish them again.” |
Г.Размадзе: “Было, это, кажется, в 1892 году. Стражники поймали трех осетин, разбойничавших в Горийском уезде. На берегу Лиахвы назначена была публичная казнь. (...). Эта жуткая картина произвела на нас, детей, самое тяжелое впечатление. Возвращаясь с места казни, мы стали обсуждать, что будет с повешенными на том свете. Будут ли их жарить на медленном огне. Сосо Джугашвили разрешил наши сомнения: Они, – сказал он, задумавшись, – уже понесли наказание, и будет несправедливо со стороны Бога наказывать их опять. |
Why Stalin was so cruel? Violent father, Church School and Priest’s Seminary formed his view to the World and how he can treat it. This had impact on his actions:
I.V.Stalin remembered: “From the protest against a humiliating regime and Jesuit methods which were in seminary, I was ready to become and really became the revolutionist, the supporter of Marxism (author's note: NOT Atheism!), as really revolutionary doctrine." |
И.В. Сталин вспоминал: "Из протеста против издевательского режима и иезуитских методов, которые имелись в семинарии, я готов был стать и действительно стал революционером, сторонником марксизма, как действительно революционного учения." |
So, we can thank Priest’s Seminary and its inhuman regime for Stalin who he was.
Stalin about Evolution and God.
On one meeting later (1924) Stalin told that it is not enough to explain, how nature works, to prove that God does not exists. Maybe inside he felt the same about Darwin's book:
Meeting of secretaries of rural cells at Central Committee RKP(6)66; 1924-10-22, I.Stalin
Совещание секретарей деревенских ячеек при ЦК РКП(б)66; 22 октября 1924 г., И.Сталин
Stalin: “Some comrades sometimes consider peasants as philosophers-materialists, believing, that it is enough to read lecture on natural sciences to convince the peasant in none existence of the God. They do not understand often, that the peasant looks at the God economically, i.e. the peasant is not opposed to turn away from the God sometimes, but he is torned apart with doubts often: “and who knows, maybe the God really exists; therefore it may be better to satisfy both – the communist and the God, for it will be more reliable for a farm.” |
Сталин: "Иногда некоторые товарищи рассматривают крестьян как философов-материалистов, полагая, что стоит прочесть лекцию по естествознанию, чтобы убедить мужика в несуществований бога. Они не понимают часто, что мужик смотрит на бога по-хозяйски, т.е. мужик иногда не прочь бы отвернуться от бога, но его часто раздирают сомнения: "а кто его знает, может, бог и в самом деле существует; не лучше ли будет ублаготворить и коммуниста, и бога, чтобы надежнее было для хозяйства." |
Stalin and son of clergyman.
There is a story, presented by Igor Kurliandsky, how son of clergyman George Elisabedashvili's urinated on icon in old church (this event could take place during Seminary years). Stalin’s role in this story was double-edged.
Especially, if to take in to account, that (according to his daughter Svetlana) on a wall of Stalin’s suburban Kuntsev residence, where he lived and died, hung an orthodox icon, to which he pointed with hand and his last word before death was "God" (documentary “Stalin – Death of the leader”, 2003, NTV, director Valery Udovydchenkov (документальный фильм “Сталин – Смерть вождя”, 2003, НТВ, режиссер Валерий Удовыдченков)).
Igor Kurliandsky “In God and saints he didn't believe since the childhood… How the son of the shoemaker instead of servant of Church becomes its enemy”
Political magazine. 2007-06-04 / 106-111 p.
George Elisabedashvili: “We both entered old church and examined everything well. Comrade Soso (Stalin), having seen on a wall some icon, probably, someone hung up, has told: “Ugh, look, and this jade is here. ...What to do, George?” I, for delight, tore the icon from the wall at once, crushed it with feet and sprinkled “water” on it. Soso (Stalin) asks: “Listen, you are not afraid of God, what it is with you?” I have laughed, and he clapped me (on a shoulder) and told: “You are right”. “When I was ruined on exam, Soso mocked me: “Maybe this icon busted you?”
Игорь Курляндский «В Бога и святых он не верил с детства... Как сын сапожника вместо служителя Церкви стал ее врагом»
Политический журнал. 2007-06-04 / с. 106-111
Георгий Елисабедашвили: «Мы оба вошли в старую церковь и все хорошо осмотрели. Товарищ Сосо, увидев на стенке какую-то икону, видимо, кем-то повешенную, сказал: «Ого, смотри, и эта кляча здесь. ...Что сделать, Георгий?» Я сразу на трапезу, сорвал со стены икону, растоптал ногами и обрызгал «водой». Сосо спрашивает: «Слушай, не боишься Бога, что это с тобой?» Я засмеялся, а он похлопал (по плечу) и сказал: «Ты прав». «Когда меня срезали на экзамене, Сосо подшучивал: «Не эта ли икона помешала тебе?»
Stalin loved to invoke God in his personal speeches.
"Afraid of God, Ignulov, and don‘t mix Marxist explanation of interaction with clerical explanation." – "Pravda" №102,10 1923-05-29, I.V.Stalin |
"Побойтесь бога, Ингулов, и не смешивайте марксистского истолкования взаимодействия с истолкованием канцелярским." – "Правда" №102,10 1923-05-29, И.В.Сталин |
"It is not without reason told, that God takes brains from whom He dooms to die". - Speech on 5-th All-Union conference of A-ULYCL 1927-03-29, I.V.Stalin |
"Недаром сказано, что кого бог обрекает на гибель, того он лишает разума." – Речь на V всесоюзной конференции ВЛКСМ 1927-03-29, И.В.Сталин |
These Stalin's quotes shows, that religious education escorted Stalin all his life and influenced his later decisions. Of course, there were some Stalin‘s negative sentences about religion, as Hitler criticized religion sometimes too. Even Mother Teresa had doubts about religion. But Stalin’s strong patronage of religion and historical facts, witness of his fellows, family members and priests... does not make him the leader of all atheists. I don’t know many atheists who fought so hard for resurrection of religion and even went to church to pray as Stalin did. I can not imagine person, like Richard Dawkins, acting this way in the name of ...atheism.
USSR was not so "atheistic" in reality as in theory.
USSR was "pure atheistic" just on paper. For example, even after Emelian Yaroslavsky’s "Godless quinquennium" ( in USSR's 1937 year census about religion answered 80%, from which 56.7% (55.3 millions) indicated themselves as believers and 43.3% (42.2 millions) as unbelievers – still minority ( I suspect that there were more believers, because records shows, that people, who denied answering that question, were mostly from various sects and, as I suspect myself, maybe who afraid to admit that they were believers, because there was some intolerance to religion from the past. You can imagine what amount of believers was in 1917 Socialist Revolution time. Yaroslavsky and his military-atheistic movement "Godless" ("Безбожники") was popular between 1932 and 1937, but his movement collapsed and his organization atrophied. And under Stalin’s order he even was forced to write article "Why religious people are against Hitler" ("Почему религиозные люди против Гитлера"). After death of notorious "the fighter with heavens" E.Jaroslavskii (1943-12-04), created by him "The Central Museum of History and Atheism" has been deprived premises, by passing building to cartoon's film-studio "Multfilm" ("Мультфильм").
Stalin's main sidekicks were also believers.
Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria (Лаврeнтий Пaвлович Бeрия) (1899-1953) – chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus under Stalin, also could be believer. His son Sergo Beria wrote about his father: |
Sergo Beria. My father – Lavrentiy Beria
I still will return to memoirs about our family for now and would like to tell about the father a little. He was born on March, 17th (30), 1899. Dreamed of architecture and was good artist itself. I remember one story already, connected with my childhood. I didn't become the believing person, though with deep respect I concern religion. And then, the boy, I was the militant atheist and once have broken an icon. Ridiculously, certainly, to speak about any MY belief, most likely, it was result of the education received at school. In a word, grandmother Martha was very disappointed. She was the believer and till the end of life helped both to church and parishioners. Having come back from work, my father condemned my atheistic heat and... has drawn a new icon. I have remembered that conversation for a long time. "It is necessary to be respectful to another's belief". |
Серго Берия. Мой отец – Лаврентий Берия
Я еще вернусь к воспоминаниям о нашей семье, а пока хотел бы немного рассказать об отце. Родился он 17 (30) марта 1899 года. Мечтал об архитектуре и сам был хорошим художником. Вспоминаю одну историю, связанную уже с моим детством. Верующим человеком я так и не стал, хотя с глубоким уважением отношусь к религии. А тогда, мальчишкой, я был воинствующим безбожником и однажды разбил икону. Смешно, разумеется, говорить о каких-то убеждениях, скорее всего это стало результатом воспитания, полученного в школе. Словом, бабушка Марта была очень огорчена. Она была верующая и до конца жизни помогала и церкви и прихожанам. Возвратившись с работы, отец остудил мой атеистический пыл и... нарисовал новую икону. Тот разговор я запомнил надолго. "К чужим убеждениям надо относиться с уважением". |
Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Vasilevsky (Алексaндр Михaйлович Василeвский) (1895-1977), son of priest (as his mother was daughter of priest too) – Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces and Deputy Minister of Defense during World War II, as well as Minister of Defense of USSR from 1949 to 1953 (under Stalin) was believer too. |
Russian News
Sergey Labanov
December 19, 2008
"Stalin paternally cared about Russia"
According to priest Vasily Shvets, Stalin prayed also. In Stalin's environment at this time (since 1939) there was a former czarist general, the chief of the Staff B.M.Shaposhnikov. On this high post he was changed, by his own advice, to a believer too, the son of a priest, A.M.Vasilevsky. Marshal G.K.Zhukov believed in God also.
Русские новости
Сергей Лабанов
19 декабря 2008 г.
"Сталин по-отечески заботился о России"
По сведениям протоирея Василия Швеца, молился и сам Сталин. В окружении Сталина в это время (с 1939 года) находился бывший царский генерал, начальник Штаба Б.М. Шапошников. Сменил его на высоком посту по его же рекомендации тоже верующий человек, сын священника А.М. Василевский. Верил в Бога и маршал Г.К. Жуков.
2002-04-26, Friday; Man and Society
"FACTS" (Moscow – Kiev)
"Stalin paternally cared about Russia"
Slava Andreevna Shaposhnikova (daughter-in-law of USSR marshal B.M.Shaposhnikov): Vasilevsky too, I think, was the believer, but never showed it. Once he has helped our family, and I have decided to thank him – have told him, that I can secretly help to make a communion ceremony. He long thought, and has then told: "Now I can't accept this gift". And after death of Alexander Mihajlovich, his son Igor with the spouse Rose have addressed to me with the request to chant fo the burial service over the died father, as it is necessary for orthodox ceremony.
2002-04-26 пятница; Человек и общество
"ФАКТЫ" (Москва – Киев)
"Сталин по-отечески заботился о России"
Слава Андреевна Шапошникова (невестка маршалa Советского Союза B.M.Шапошникова): Василевский тоже, думаю, был верующим, но никогда не показывал этого. Однажды он помог нашей семье, и я решила его отблагодарить -- сказала ему, что могу помочь тайно совершить обряд причастия. Он долго думал, а потом сказал: "Сейчас я не могу принять этот подарок". А после смерти Александра Михайловича его сын Игорь с супругой Розой обратились ко мне с просьбой отпеть умершего отца, как полагается, по православному обряду. Естественно, что открыто делать это было небезопасно.
Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov (Георгий Максимилианович Маленков) (1902-1988) – Secretary of the Central Committee also was a believer. He went to church regulary and at the end of his life become priest in church near Moscow (Дмитирий Поспеловский. Православная Церковь в истории Руси, России и СССР. Москва. 1996. с. 322) |
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875–1946) – the nominal head of state of the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1946. From 1926 he was a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, where he was one of the inner circle of party leaders around Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.
Archpriest Leonid Konstantinov, prior of Nikolo-Iosafovsky cathedral
After the war, Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva and Georgi Malenkov were baptized, confessed and received Holy Communion All-Union's elder Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.
Протоирей Леонид Константинов, настоятель Николо-Иосафовского собора [ Выпуск 11 ]
После войны приняли крещение Светлана Аллилуева, дочь Сталина, Георгий Маленков, исповедовался и принял Святое Причастие всесоюзный староста Михаил Иванович Калинин.
Another source about Kalinin: Memoirs of A. P. Artsybushev in the book “Lift up your hearts”. Archpriest Vladimir Smirnov (spiritual children about the spiritual father). M. 2004, P. 67.
Другой источник о Калинине: Воспоминания А. П. Арцыбушева в кн.: «Горе имеим сердца». Протоиерей Владимир Смирнов (духовные дети о духовном отце). М. 2004, С. 67.
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Pol Pot and Theravada Buddhism

Pol Pot (1925-1998) tried to erase individuality as he thought that differences create conflicts. With his artificial equality, abolishing private possessions and so erasing natural selection from society he was doomed by Evolution to fail, like all other communists. Pol Pot targeted not just different religions as differences, but education, science and medicine too. Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge were composed of Buddhists and Pol Pot himself was a communist and Theravada Buddhist. Pol Pot studied at a Buddhist monastery (1 year) and then later at a Catholic school (8 years). As for "Collège Preah Sihanouk" and "Lycée Sisowath" - I don’t know if they were secular or Buddhist oriented education institutions. Cambodia’s communism was influenced by Theravada Buddhism and its teaching to renunciation of the material world as Pol Pot with his followers organized perfectly by smashing cars and modern industrial equipment with hammers. Before Pol Pot came into power, 95% of the population declared themselves Buddhists. According to CIA (1998 census in Cambodia), this number is almost the same and after Pol Pot’s rule (Buddhist 96.4%, Muslim 2.1%, other 1.3%, unspecified 0.2%). Cambodia was and is very religious country. Statement, that somehow few atheists managed to overthrow and rule over 95% believers, is insane.
Pol Pot’s Education:
1934 – 1935 Buddhist monastery Wat Botum Vaddei in Phnom Penh
1935 – 1943 Catholic school in Phnom Penh École Miche
1943 – 1947 Collège Preah Sihanouk at Kampong Cham
1947 – 1948 Lycée Sisowath in Phnom Penh
1948 – 1949 Technical school in Phnom Penh
1949 – 1952 École Francaise de radio-électricité
King of Cambodia from 1941, Head of State from 1955 to 1970, who resigned in 1976 Prince Norodom Sihanouk said:
“Pol Pot does not believe in God,” Sihnaouk had said “but he thinks that heaven, destiny, wants him to guide Cambodia in the way he thinks it the best for Cambodia, that is to say, the worst. Pol Pot is mad, you know, like Hitler.”
“Whiskey Oscar Seven Bravo...” / “WO7B” A tale of Cambodia 1993 (182 page) by O. B. Wright
Yes, Buddhists don’t believe in God, but I am ant not sure, that atheists believe in heaven (and Pol Pot’s comparison fellow Hitler in Sihanouk’s description was not atheist too). It seems that Pol Pot was not so big atheist as some Christians would like to present, mixing communism (social relations between humans) with atheism (humans relations with god) - it is absolutely different ideologies.
About 600.000 people have been killed in Cambodia by massive US bombing from 1965 till 1973. The US has dropped 2,756,941 tons of bombs - more than all the bombs dropped by the Allies during World War II. Because of Pol Pot died about 750,000. So when someone say, that during Pol Pot’s regime died about 1.5 million people, it would be nice, that they would give some credit to Christian US too.
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Mao Zedong and Confucionism with Taoism

Although Mao (1893-1976) Zedong was influenced by religious ideas, he could be an atheist.
“Atheism must take the place of belief in a God.”
The Writings of Mao Zedong, 1949-1976: January 1956-December 1957 By Zedong Mao, Michael Y. M. Kau, John K. Leung (October-december 1957 / 791 page)
Pham Van Dong: How are you, Chairman Mao?
Mao Zedong: Not very well. I have had a cought for some days. It is time to go to Heaven. It seems that I am summoned to meet the Good God. How is President Ho?
"Behind the bamboo curtain: China, Vietnam, and the world beyond Asia" By Priscilla Mary Roberts. Mao Zedong and Pham Van Dong, Beijing, November 17, 1968
Although China is a socialist country, Buddhism is protected according to national policy.
The late Chairman Mao Zedong said when he received delegations from Peru in 1964 that “it is wrong to tell people to be against religion.”
He said that if China did so, “religious people would oppose us... believing in a certain religion doesn't mean people don't oppose imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism.”
“Tibetan Buddhism: Sacred traditions have down-to-earth side”
The Poems of Mao Zedong : Harper & Row
It seems, Mao Zedung smoked strong weed :)
Winds flap the sail, tortoise and snake are silent, a great plan looms. A bridge will fly over this moat dug by HEAVEN and be a road from north to south. We will make a stone wall against the upper river to the west and hold back steamy clouds and rain of Wu peaks. Over tall chasms will be a calm lake, and if the GODDESS of these mountains is not dead she will marvel at the changed world. June 1956
The GODS on the death of his wife Yang Kai-hui I lost my proud poplar and you your willow As poplar and willow they soar straight up into the ninth heaven and ask the prisoner of the moon, Wu Kang' what is there. He offers them wine from the cassia tree. The lonely lady on the moon, Chang O, spreads her vast sleeves and dances for these good SOULS in the unending sky. Down on earth a sudden report of the tiger's defeat. Tears fly down from a great upturned bowl of rain. May 11, 1957
Saying Good-bye to the GOD of Disease (2) Thousands of willow branches in a spring wind. Six hundred million of China, land of the GODS, and exemplary like the emperors Shun and Yao. A scarlet rain of peach blossoms turned into waves and emerald mountains into bridges. Summits touch the sky. We dig with silver shovels and iron arms shake the earth and the Three Rivers. GOD of plagues, where are you going? We burn paper boats and bright candles to light his way to HEAVEN. July I, 1958
Saying Good-bye to the GOD of Disease (1) Mauve waters and green mountains are nothing when the great ancient doctor Hua To could not defeat a tiny worm. A thousand villages collapsed, were choked with weeds, men were lost arrows. GHOSTS sang in the doorway of a few desolate houses. Yet now in a day we leap around the earth or explore a thousand Milky Ways. And if the cowherd who lives on a star asks about the GOD of plagues, tell him, happy or sad, the GOD is gone, washed away in the waters. July 1, 1958
Taoism and Mao Zedong:
The Little Red Book
Apparently Mao believed in Buddhahood.
"Make trouble, fail, make trouble again, fail again . . . till their doom; that is the logic of the imperialists and all reactionaries the world over in dealing with the people's cause, and they will never go against this logic. This is a Marxist law. When we say "imperialism is ferocious", we mean that its nature will never change, that the imperialists will never lay down their butcher knives, that they will never become Buddhas, till their doom."
"Cast Away Illusions, Prepare for Struggle" (August 14, 1949), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 428.
Mao quoted Lao Tzu.
""Exchange information." This means that members of a Party committee should keep each other informed and exchange views on matters that have come to their attention. This is of great importance in achieving a common language. Some fail to do so and, like the people described by Lao Tzu, "do not visit each other all their lives, though the crowing of their cocks and the barking of their dogs are within hearing of each other". The result is that they lack a common language."
"Methods of Work of Party Committees" (March 13, 1949), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 378.
Mao said that a man in China is usually subjected to a religious authority and is one of the thick ropes binding the Chinese people together.
"A man in China is usually subjected to the domination of three systems of authority [political authority, clan authority and religious authority]. ...As for women, in addition to being dominated by these three systems of authority, they are also dominated by the men (the authority of the husband). These four authorities — political, clan, religious and masculine — are the embodiment of the whole feudal-patriarchal ideology and system, and are the four thick ropes binding the Chinese people, particularly the peasants."
"Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan" (March 1927), Selected Works, Vol. I, pp. 44-46.*
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Fidel Castro and Roman Catholic Church

And yet the letters suggest that Castro was a man of unusual spiritual depth -- and a fervent believer in God. Addressing the father of a fallen comrade, he writes: “I will not speak of him as if he were absent, he has not been and he will never be. These are not mere words of consolation. Only those of us who feel it truly and permanently in the depths of our souls can comprehend this. Physical life is ephemeral, it passes inexorably.... This truth should be taught to every human being -- that the immortal values of the spirit are above physical life. What sense does life have without these values? What then is it to live? Those who understand this and generously sacrifice their physical life for the sake of good and justice -- how can they die? God is the supreme idea of goodness and justice.”
“Letters From Prison: Castro Revealed” by Ann Louise Bardach; Sunday, February 25, 2007
“I never saw a contradiction between the ideas that sustain me and the ideas of that symbol, of that extraordinary figure (Jesus Christ).” - Castro in 1985.
Fidel Castro in quotes (8:55AM GMT 19 Feb 2008)
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Communism and Atheism

USSR was not an ATHEISTIC, but COMUNISTIC/SOCIALISTIC republic’s union.
Communism/Socialism is ideology about "humans(rich) vs humans(poor)".
Atheism/Theism is ideology about "humans(all) vs God".
Just retarded or dishonest people cannot see absolute difference between these two ideologies. Communism is not about believing or unbelieving in GOD, but about social equality between humans and collective/shared property ("commun" from Latin = collective/shared). Property was taken from Church In USSR not because she promoted GOD, but because she was RICH. All RICH people (atheists including) were considered as oppressors of working class. People saw priests (not GOD) as corrupted, greedy human bastards, who perverted religion, by using it to gain material profit, and that priests didn’t follow precepts of Christ to live ascetically. Russian Church’s and Tsar’s union with their gold, prosperity and endless wars finally pissed of starving masses. Therefore masses rebelled against RICH PEOPLE, not against GOD, and expropriated property from all rich people - from atheists and from religious people EQUALY! Union of monarchy and theocracy in Russia was demolished. Church had more property than atheists then for the very simple reason - atheists were ABSOLUTE MINORITY in society during these days. It is main reason, why Church lost more, than atheists. In Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia (Theravada Buddhist 95%, other 5%) statistically almost all (~100%) people were BELIEVERS during revolutions!
“A.L.Eeliseev writes that a meeting of the Antireligious Commission of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) took place on 23 May 1929 under the chairmanship of E.Iaroslavskii. There, believers in the country were estimated at 80 percent.”
About 1937 census in Soviet Union: “It turned out that the illiterate, Orthodox believers from sixteen years of age and older made up 67.9 percent, while among the literate, the number was 79,2 percent. In such a manner, to the extent that education was expanded, the percentage of believers not only was not reduced, but actually increased.”
“Religion and Politics in Russia: A Reader” By Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, 7 page.
Russia just now reached 24% atheists in state. For example, in one of the Communistic State of USSR – Lithuania... 1923 census shows that 100% of population were believers. Yes, Lenin was an atheist, but without support of masses, composed almost only from believers, it was impossible to overthrow Tsar’s monarchic government during Great October Socialist Revolution (not Atheist Revolution) in Russia in 1917. It was believers, not atheists, who made biggest job by robbing RICH (religious and nonreligious) people! Church functioned and was not fully oppressed in USSR. KGB used it to spy on people through confessions very successfully. Yes, Church in USSR was separated from Government IN THE SAME WAY as in USA, EU and other civilized parts of the World. This does not mean that USA, EU and all other countries are Atheistic regimes. When property of Churches was nationalized, Church and believers in the West started to shout that it was "atheistic" regime. Of course, just atheists are capable to kill, rob and take neighbours property by force... religious people never rob and burn each other’s churches :). Christianity has huge experience in killing and robbing not just other religions or unbelievers but its own denominations too. You don't need to be an atheist to do that. Communists didn’t destroyed religion. They preserved it, by building their system on authoritarian and worshiping bases, like it is in religion. There are more believers In Eastern-Communistic countries than in Western-Capitalistic – free thinking World. Under Communism you were free to believe, whatever you want, until you glorify and don't question communism. Atheist‘s/agnostic‘s amount:
Japan 64%
Sweden 46%
Denmark 43%
France 43%
Belgium 42%
Germany 41%
Netherlands 39%
Britain 31%
Russia 24%
China 8%
“In 1967 Albania was proclaimed the world's first atheist state. After the ban was lifted at the end of 1990, however, the population was found to be, as before World War II, approximately 70 percent Muslim and 30 percent Christian”
“Conflict in the former Yugoslavia: An Encyclopedia” by John B. Allcock, Marko Milivojević, John Joseph Horton
About China: "But probably 90 percent of the population occasionally resorted to Buddhist rites or temples and 99 percent were affected by Buddhist contributions to Chinese thought and behaviour."
“The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 1900-1950” by Holmes Welch
Many of the world's Communist states declared themselves as secular officially. Although statistical information, gathered after collapse, shows, that they remained and are fairly religious. If communism was a movement to advance atheism, it sure didn't have much of an effect. Religious Statistics of "Historical Communist States" by CIA.
Afghanistan: Sunni Muslim 80%, Shia Muslim 19%, other 1%
Albania: Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%, Roman Catholic 10%
Angola: indigenous beliefs 47%, Roman Catholic 38%, Protestant 15% (1998 est.)
Azerbaijan: Muslim 93.4%, Russian Orthodox 2.5%, Armenian Orthodox 2.3%, other 1.8% (1995 est.)
Benin: Christian 42.8% (Catholic 27.1%, Celestial 5%, Methodist 3.2%, other Protestant 2.2%, other 5.3%), Muslim 24.4%, Vodoun 17.3%, other 15.5% (2002 census)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Muslim 40%, Orthodox 31%, Roman Catholic 15%, other 14%
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Orthodox 82.6%, Muslim 12.2%, other Christian 1.2%, other 4% (2001 census)
Cambodia: Buddhist (official) 96.4%, Muslim 2.1%, other 1.3%, unspecified 0.2% (1998 census)
Congo: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%, Muslim 10%, other (includes syncretic sects and indigenous beliefs) 10%
Croatia: Roman Catholic 87.8%, Orthodox 4.4%, other Christian 0.4%, Muslim 1.3%, other and unspecified 0.9%, none 5.2% (2001 census)
Ethiopia: Orthodox 43.5%, Muslim 33.9%, Protestant 18.6%, traditional 2.6%, Catholic 0.7%, other 0.7% (2007 Census)
Georgia: Orthodox Christian (official) 83.9%, Muslim 9.9%, Armenian-Gregorian 3.9%, Catholic 0.8%, other 0.8%, none 0.7% (2002 census)
Grenada: Roman Catholic 53%, Anglican 13.8%, other Protestant 33.2%
Hungary: Roman Catholic 51.9%, Calvinist 15.9%, Lutheran 3%, Greek Catholic 2.6%, other Christian 1%, other or unspecified 11.1%, unaffiliated 14.5% (2001 census)
Laos: Buddhist 67%, Christian 1.5%, other and unspecified 31.5% (2005 census)
Lithuania: Roman Catholic 79%, Russian Orthodox 4.1%, Protestant (including Lutheran and Evangelical Christian Baptist) 1.9%, other or unspecified 5.5%, none 9.5% (2001 census)
Macedonia: Macedonian Orthodox 64.7%, Muslim 33.3%, other Christian 0.37%, other and unspecified 1.63% (2002 census)
Mozambique: Catholic 28.4%, Muslim 17.9%, Zionist Christian 15.5%, Evangelical Pentecostal 10.9%, Anglican 1.3%, other 7.2%, none 18.7% (2007 census)
Poland: Roman Catholic 89.8% (about 75% practicing), Eastern Orthodox 1.3%, Protestant 0.3%, other 0.3%, unspecified 8.3% (2002)
Romania: Eastern Orthodox (including all sub-denominations) 86.8%, Protestant (various denominations including Reformate and Pentecostal) 7.5%, Roman Catholic 4.7%, other (mostly Muslim) and unspecified 0.9%, none 0.1% (2002 census)
Serbia: Serbian Orthodox 85%, Catholic 5.5%, Protestant 1.1%, Muslim 3.2%, unspecified 2.6%, other, unknown, or atheist 2.6% (2002 census)
Slovakia: Roman Catholic 68.9%, Protestant 10.8%, Greek Catholic 4.1%, other or unspecified 3.2%, none 13% (2001 census)
Slovenia: Catholic 57.8%, Muslim 2.4%, Orthodox 2.3%, other Christian 0.9%, unaffiliated 3.5%, other or unspecified 23%, none 10.1% (2002 census)
Tajikistan: Sunni Muslim 85%, Shia Muslim 5%, other 10% (2003 est.)
Turkmenistan: Muslim 89%, Eastern Orthodox 9%, unknown 2%
Uzbekistan: Muslim 88% (mostly Sunni), Eastern Orthodox 9%, other 3%
Communism is not about God

Some Muslim fought against Christian RELIGION, therefore he was an atheist?
Some Protestant fought against Catholic RELIGION, therefore he was an atheist?
Some Stalin or Pol Pot fought against Buddhist RELIGION, therefore he was an atheist?
Fighting against some religious people or religious denominations doesn’t mean automatically, that you are an atheist – you can be religious too. It matters, what you are fighting FOR and believe IN. There are many opinions between same Christians, that Church and God doesn’t have anything in common, that Church/priests are corrupted, perverted and seek money and power only. That there is no need in organized religion - God must be private thing. The same ideas could be in the heads of revolutionists. Stalin murdered almost all Soviet military elite before WW2 and killed communists as flies. Does this mean that he was anti-Soviet and anti-Communist? No. He saw this as clearing / purifying. It was not a big problem for Stalin to kill someone... he just spread tickets to Heaven or Hell with light hand. How the Papal legate Arnaud-Amaury once said: "Kill them all! Surely the Lord discerns which ones are his". Christians destroyed each other’s pray houses and slaughtered each other in thousands during all history, thinking they are right and good Christians. Even God slaughtered his own people in the Bible. Pol Pot fought against organized Buddhism. His regime tried to suppress individuality and eliminate all differences between humans… and... he was inspired by this conception directly from the same Buddhism. Pol Pot studied at a Buddhist monastery and a Roman Catholic school. Pol Pot exterminated educated people, doctors and teachers – important part of atheism base. So, it would be nice for believers not to throw all responsibility for Pol Pot’s behaviour and ideas only on atheists and to see more clear evidences, not just "Communism=Atheism" or "If you fight some denomination of religion you are an atheist".
Communism is unscientific, illogical, antiEvolutional

Unnatural equalization and collective/shared property removes need for competition with natural selection and motives, why to be better than others. People's needs always are larger, than possibilities and this force them not to enjoy what they already have and push to move forward. Restriction of possibilities to supply self needs, by setting top limits, restricts enthusiasm to reach something higher than these limits – there is no point to reach unreachable. Governments must let to do everything, if person’s actions and reached benefit are higher than harm for him, others and environment. Everything what satisfy and does not include everyone else against their will – must be normal ant allowable.
Why Communism collapsed.

There are almost no top limits, how much PROFIT you can gain In Capitalism - this can cause problems in society too. Under Communism, to keep everyone equal, limits for PROFIT were set and SALALRY, paid by government, was usually the only one income for majority. Under Communism didn’t matter, how much or how good you work, you could get almost the same salary as others, plus worthless medal with document that you are "True Communist. But People always try to find the ways, how to gain bigger PROFIT with fewer EXPENSES.
[B] When Capitalist worker figure out, how to rise his PROFIT about 30$, by increasing his EXPENSES just about 10$, - he goes for it.
[C] If Communist worker figure out, how to rise his PROFIT about 30$ by increasing his EXPENSES just about 10$, he understands... that he will not get more than 100$ anyway, because 100$ is top limit, how much you he can get. Everything above that limit will take government.
[D] Communist worker thinks and finds the best solution, how to increase his PROFIT. The easiest and only way to do this is by decreasing-minimizing EXPENSES. What expenses could minimize Communist worker? Of course, WORKING TIME and QUALITY of MATERIALS. He can start to work less to save time (equivalent to 5$) and can steal cement from constructional area for his own needs (worth of 5$). In such way he increased his own PROFIT by 10$. Life for him personally became easier and brighter, but country didn’t gain anything.
"Communism rules" contradicted these "survival rules" of reality, which were formed by millions years of evolution:
A. Individual needs have priority over social needs.
B. Output/reward must be greater than input/work, otherwise you will lose energy and die.
B rule follows from the law of conservation of energy. All living things and structures power itself from energy difference between input and output; there are NO exceptions. Life forms with better energy efficiency have better chance of survival. This is why trying to work less for lower salary is natural response. So, people started to minimize their work in order not to waste the energy. Economy lost momentum, resources became scarce and rules A and B became more and more important. Reality vs. Communism fight ended with score 1:0.
Humans have natural tendency to work better and with more enthusiasm for bigger reward, than for smaller reward. If government or owners of companies (under communism or capitalism) will rip-off people to much of their reward for done job (usually it is salary) and will take it for themselves, people, in order to survive, will switch more and more to “resource saving” mode and creativity with economical grow will slow down.
Extreme inequality is bad as extreme equality.
There is very good saying that… man needs very little for full happiness, but it is important, that others around him must have even less. People measure their wealth by comparing it to others. It is why people in poor countries, where everyone around them are poor, can be even happier than people in rich countries, where inequality is shining everywhere. Not only extreme inequality is bad, like slavery, when minority swims in luxury and majority struggles in poverty. Communistic countries went to extreme in another direction, by making everyone equal too much. People lost interest in competition and noble slogans were not enough to motivate them, even when they were on every corner. Under communism people were quite happy with little, what they had, because everyone around them had almost the same amount of wealth and limited possibilities to buy something different. Of course, senior officials in USSR had more privileges, bigger salaries, but not as big as bosses of private companies in the West. There were no millionaires in USSR, to compare and see big difference, how poor you are. It was also important for government to misinform public at the same time, how bad it is in the West. People had less motivation to strive, because strive was not rewarded as much as in the West. There were no pure communism, but it was too much equality in society (which is as bad as too big difference in wealth), to slow economical evolution and productivity. People weren’t rich but happy, because according to propaganda life in the West was even worse:
The same years, but different “weather” (industrial crisis in all capitalistic countries).

Who got the national income? In the USSR - the working people!
In capitalistic countries - the exploiters.

Way of talent (in capitalistic countries)... Give a way for talent (in socialistic countries)!

Not working and stealing from government was more and more national sport of USSR. Because of such circumstances, Capitalism was more willing and effective in producing better and not just cheaper things. Communists were more inventive in stealing from government, because for many people it was the only way to make their life better. Of course, Communistic regime paid a little more to good workers, but it was not enough as motive to make him think, how to create something effective and innovative like Capitalist’s salary. Therefore Soviet cars and other stuff in 1980 looked like were made in 1960. People didn't understood, why situation is so bad, but day after day their desire to keep together such “union of losers” become weaker and weaker, until people – connective material of state broke and dispersed to different directions.
It seems, like the best economies are based on mix of Capitalism (represents individualism and competition rules which are required for better chance of survival) and Socialism (represents protection and safety rules which are required for better chance of survival).
Constitutions of RSFSR and USSR (1918-1977) • “Myths about communism & atheism”
Constitutions of RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) said nothing about priority of atheism over religion or elimination of religion.
Constitution of RSFSR 1918 (“Lenin's”) Article 2 : General Provisions Of The Constitution Of The RSFSR : Chapter 5 : Article 13
“For the purpose of securing to the workers real freedom of conscience, the church is to be separated from the state and the school from the church, and the right of religious and anti-religous propaganda is accorded to every citizen.”
Конституция РСФСР 1918 («Ленинская») Раздел 2 : Общие положения конституции РСФСР : Глава 5 : Статья 13
«В целях обеспечения за трудящимися действительной свободы совести церковь отделяется от государства и школа от церкви, а свобода религиозной и антирелигиозной пропаганды признается за всеми гражданами.»
Constitution of USSR 1936 (“Stalin's”) Chapter 10. Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens : Article 124
“In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of anti-religious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.”
Конституция СССР 1936 («Сталинская») Глава 10. Основные права и обязанности граждан : Статья 124
«В целях обеспечения за гражданами свободы совести церковь в СССР отделена от государства и школа от церкви. Свобода отправления религиозных культов и свобода антирелигиозной пропаганды признаются за всеми гражданами.»
Constitution of USSR 1977 (“Brezhnev's”) Chapter 6. Citizenship of the USSR / Equality of Citizens' Rights : Article 34
“Citizens of the USSR are equal before the law, without distinction of origin, social or property status, race or nationality, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, type and nature of occupation, domicile, or other status. The equal rights of citizens of the USSR are guaranteed in all fields of economic, political, social, and cultural life.”
Конституция СССР 1977 («Брежневская») Глава 6. Гражданство СССР. / Равноправие граждан, Статья 34
«Граждане СССР равны перед законом независимо от происхождения, социального и имущественного положения, расовой и национальной принадлежности, пола, образования, языка, отношения к религии, рода и характера занятий, места жительства и других обстоятельств.»
Chapter 7. Basic Rights, Freedoms, and Duties of Citizens of the USSR : Article 52
“Citizens of the USSR are guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheistic propaganda. Incitement of hostility or hatred on religious grounds is prohibited. In the USSR, the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church.”
Глава 7. Основные права, свободы и обязанности граждан СССР Статья 52
«Гражданам СССР гарантируется свобода совести, то есть право исповедовать любую религию или не исповедовать никакой, отправлять религиозные культы или вести атеистическую пропаганду. Возбуждение вражды и ненависти в связи с религиозными верованиями запрещается.»
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Religious Hell

Idea of Hell leads to violence. If Hell will be eternal suffering, then there is no final point, just pointless torture. If point is torture, until sinner will understand his sins, then isn't better way to make human to understand something – knowledge and education? If child committed mistake-sin (stealing or animal beating), what would be better to do to make sure that he would not mistake-sin again? Sit down and talk with him, explain how World works, explain social links, why stealing is bad, because it ruins society - his own environment, his life, how animals suffer and feel pain, explain about reversible effect of all actions, until he will understand. Or it is better to beat your child, strip his nails off, scald his flesh with hot water and torture him? We all know that kids, who experienced violence in childhood from others (like Stalin), later are more violent. Raped more often become a rapists, beaten become a beater. If you beat your child for his mistakes-sins, with every strike your install in his brains conception, that beating is acceptable method to achieve your goals (especially when you are stronger). It makes beating OK, if somebody doesn’t act how you like or want. That is why beaten in childhood beat others in the same way later, trying to achieve their goals, as same as his authority (father/mother) did in the past. Christian idea of "education" through torture in Hell - is primitive, violent, and stupid. Civilised World knows already that if you want to grow a good human, you do it with education and knowledge, not with violence and torture (because people learn by copying others). Otherwise schools would be torture chambers. The main purpose and idea should be to repair broken humans in humane schools, not to destroy them finally in Hell by showing them new limits of sadism and torture. Is God so stupid and primitive that He doesn’t know better way to teach, than just through torture? Does He give priority to fist over intellect? Or it is just some stupid and primitive Christians with big fists and small brains tried to apply what they mastered best? Therefore they create for themselves imaginable place, to enjoy in their minds suffering of those who don’t agree with them... and in such way they compensate their dissatisfaction in reality. If you can’t win opponent in reality, you can at least enjoy torturing him in your mind. Idea of Hell show us, how sick and sadistic in its core can be Christianity. Christianity still teaches conception of Hell and still don’t "understand", why religious fanatics as Hitler and Stalin (who received religious education) were so brutal and violent. Inquisition (tortures were used to retrieve lost sheeps to "right" patch and to make them suffer for sins) was the same idea of Hell brought to us by Church. Until idea of Hell is alive, idea of Inquisition - teaching and achieving goals through torture and sadism is alive too.
Religion always leads to Inquisition with "Disprove God existence!"
Every time, when you make proposition and ask someone else to disprove this, you make an Inquisition act.
In modern society court uses innocent presumption - when man reputed as innocent, until his guilt is not proved. Prove of guilt (proposition) must be presented by accuser (proposer).
Inquisition operated conversely. Inquisitional court used guilty presumption - when someone threw proposition-accusation, and accused person was reputed as guilty… until disproving that he is not. And to disprove proposition-accusation supposed accused person. This let very easily to cope (crucify) with everybody by throwing any ridiculous propositions-accusations-claims …like "he is cooperating with the devil" or "she is a witch". And it was more easier in the past, because accused person, who supposed to defend himself and desperately search for evidences of his innocence, usually was imprisoned (as already guilty). Also it is hard to find evidences for that, what never existed and exists. What evidence has nothing? Of course, the best evidence for nothing is ...nothing. But accusers wanted ...something... to disprove their nothing. In religious discussions between theists and atheists... theists until now throw proposition, that God exists, and wait for disproof of this proposition from atheists – what atheists almost always and try to do. Believers just rest and wait some visible or touchable evidences which could prove their none-existing God - nothing. Therefore atheists try to replace God-nothing with something (scientific explanations of things and events). It looks, like Christians are waiting for some touchable and visible evidences for vacuum. Believers can not prove their proposition (God) until now, so until now they are trying to use Inquisition tactics (guilty presumption) in debates. Therefore it is important always to alarm, when religion gain more power in society and social law, which determine human’s lives. Because until now... religion and its followers in thinking and methods are not more advanced as far as in 16 ages. Guilt presumption method in religious society can be met very often. Like war in Iraq. People started war with Iraq believing in weapons of mass destruction without supporting these claims by strong evidences. You can see guilt presumption in private lives, when people cope with their opponents by throwing accusations without evidences. Ant people don’t need evidences… all what they need it is just blind faith-belief and desire to crucify somebody. If you care for better society for you and your kids – try to remove religious thinking and replace it by logic and reason.
Incompetence or not-knowing, how to explain some things and events, are NOT evidences of God! It is evidences of incompetence and lack of person’s knowledge.
Religion leads to populism and demagogy in politics and personal life.
Bible:Ps:128:4 Lo, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD.
Bible:Jo:20:29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." (note: who believe without evidences)
Religion-belief is directly involved in spreading not just guilt presumption, but also message, that somehow blind belief-faith without evidences has great value and even greater than belief based on evidences. Thanks to such thinking, anyone in religious society can throw promises and people will believe and accept them as truth without supporting evidences. There is absolutely reversed situation in sceptic’s society, because sceptics appeal not on belief, but on evidences. When somebody throws promises he must prove and support his his claims with evidences himself. And just after that, when evidences are presented, promises can be accepted. It is not surprise, when unknowing person tries to present his unknowingness as "advantage" – he feels better when thinks that he at least has something valuable – his unknowingness – Jesus(God-Authority) personally value that... and who cares about small humans. It is not hard to understand, why in sceptic’s society, which appeals on evidences, more dominates innocent presumption and objective opinion …and in believer’s society, which appeals on propositions and belief without evidences, more dominates guilt presumption and bigger risk of preconceived opinion. It very easy to crucify anybody with sometimes absolutely ridiculous claims in religious society - it is why believer’s society is not safe. It is why in believer’s society prospers injustice, populism and demagogy. It is why in believer’s society can win orators, who spiel with their gold-toque and give unreal promises without clear evidences, how these promises will be realized. People value persons (for example politics and priests) who can lie more and better without shame, who promise bigger golden mountains and Heaven for everyone. People value their leaders not just for what they already did, but what they promise to do in the future. And the stronger is belief (blind faith)… the more overrated are promises over already realized tasks. It is why in America and in other countries politics strongly support religion – it is wide open gate for them to trick-full common people, get power and control them. Science, education, knowledge and appealing on clear evidences leads us to safer society and reduces possibilities for liars and bulshiters to enter politics and gain power …and doesn’t let to crucify innocent people so easily by setting against them blind crowd. It is more difficult to reach agreement or right decision (for example in the same family) between believers with different opinions than between persons, who base their opinions on logic arguments and strong evidences.
Even if suppose that Hitler and Stalin were not religious themselves, but just exploited RELIGION of their people... this shows... that Hitler and Stalin appealed exactly on RELIGION (Christianity) to gain full power and realize their ideas more easily.
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